5 Problems That May Occur On Laptop Screen
Laptops are more popular in the market because many of the laptops sold in the market today already have a performance that almost resembles a desktop computer and of course plus the nature of mobility.
Just like desktop computers, laptops can also experience a variety of problems. Laptop users always open the laptop screen cover when it will and finish using the laptop.
But this problem is very serious, because the laptop will never be used without using the screen, unless the laptop is connected to the monitor. This causes many laptop owners to panic, especially for those who do not understand (lay in this case).
problems that generally occur on the laptop screen:
1. Screen crack
this problem with the term "LCD hit" or so on. Yes, indeed this problem is on the LCD screen, it will usually look like a black crack. The solution to this problem is the replacement of the new LCD.
2. Vertical and horizontal lines
very annoying on our laptop screen this kind of thing happen. The constantly moving vertical and horizontal lines outwit our vision of the screen. Of course this will be very disturbing to us while reading.
caused by either a damaged graphics card or a loose video cable. In some cases, the card or cable must be replaced. However, if we are lucky, the connection between the cable with the card just need to be tightened it.
3. Distorted images
Distorted images can be caused by loose connections or damaged components, but this problem can also be caused by display settings in the operating system.
4. Black Screen
there are some things that could cause this problem to happen, not merely a problem on the screen. Maybe the RAM is poorly installed or there are other components. But if you are sure that other components are installed correctly, it will be very difficult to detect the cause of this problem.
5. The screen screen blinks
common problems that often occur on the laptop screen. The screen has a vital role in the use of laptop, without its existence we will never be able to operate the laptop.
Do you know their solutions? My friend is facing an issue.