Harley Quinn issue #2 Review

in #harleyquinn9 years ago

Original post: http://www.comicosity.com/review-harley-quinn-2-2/

Written by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti
Art by Bret Blevins, Chad Hardin, John Timms, and Alex Sinclair
Published by DC Comics
Release Date: August 17, 2016

Holee Zombioli! The infected, human flesh craving, army of tainted hot dog eaters have taken over Coney Island and it’s up to Harley and the gang to put a lid on this thing. Can they pull it off now that they’re down one teammate? (That was a pretty drastic measure you took there, Harls.)

It’s a big relief that the incredibly unique teamwork of Amanda Connor and Jimmy Palmiotti continues now that the “Rebirth” has happened. I don’t know what kind of magic they’ve got their hands on that allows them to pump out these one-of-a-kind stories, but it doesn’t look like they’ll be running out of it anytime soon. The linguistically genius use of words starting with the same letter is not only entertaining, but adds something so special to the Harley Quinn title that it leaves a lasting impression. A great one.

The art is a wild and explosive burst of non-stop, unpredictable eye candy. Harley’s new look (resembling Margot Robbie’s portrayal in the suicide squad film) is subtle enough that provides an easy and non-distracting transition from her former image. The Harley that we know and love is still alive and kicking. And oh boy, is there lots of kicking in this issue.

The team of artists working on this particular story — Blevins and Hardin on pencils, with Timms and Sinclair on inks and colors — definitely know what the fans want to see. There is an absolute rainbow of destruction happening here and never has a zombie uprising looked so aesthetically pleasing. It can’t be an easy feat making violence appear just humorous enough to be light-hearted, while still portraying the severity of the situation. This is artistic talent at its best.

Harley Quinn #2 provides such a wonderful detour from the seriousness of most of the other rebirth titles. The flavor of this book is like a bright sour candy that brings joy to your heart and a smile to your face. You can’t have a bad day and read Harley Quinn. I dare you to try.

The Verdict: 9.0/10


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