At 1 THS, your daily satoshis should be about 13181 before maintenance, and about 10940 after maintenance. A price of a contract at say $14000 btc is about 15714 satoshi. 14667 at 15k btc. In about two weeks time at the 14k btc rate you'll have 9.7 new contracts, and at the 15k btc rate you'll have 10.4 new contracts.* Meanwhile the difficulty will go up 7-8% on average. Even assuming 10 new contracts, when the .933388 discount is factor in, it will seem like 1026 GH next at years end, about 1949 GHs at today's hash rates. At the .9259 discount rate, it will seem like 1018.49 GHs next cycle or 1610.2 GHs at the end of the year in todays rates. At the end of a years period your original contracts have expired, but of course that doesn't set you to under 1THS-as your original 1000GHs basically would be about 135 GHS to 166 GHS a year from now (before expiration) at todays rates. So effectively, it would be more like 1475 to 1715 GHs. While you do make a case that it can still be profitable at 1THS even at the new 2.20 rates, you still didn't make a case in favor of hashflare.
Hashing24 offers 3 year contracts for about the same price.
Genesys mining has life time contracts with 1 THS at 180, or about 20% cheaper than hashflare.
Of course the problem with them right now is they are out of stock. This could signify an even greater problem and that is the demand for mining. Certainly an outage doesn't help make the case, but the charts suggest a positive acceleration. If the difficulty goes up to say 10%, the discount factor is .909090 and that is enough to put you at a loss even at 1Ths using either hashflare or hashing24. Granted you could do more* to maybe eek out another contract in the calculation, or argue say 10THs to reclaim those fractions for the calculations. But there is little room for error, especially if btc collapses....which you now have contracts which isn't as liquid.
- if you want to map out the days when you buy the contracts over 14 days, go ahead. But I am not going into that small of detail.