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With the explosion of bitcoin it's hard to ignore the ridiculous profits miners are currently experiencing.
I have seen many youtubers currently advertising HASHFLARE and investing huge sums of money, a youtuber by the name of CryptoNick has purchased close to 1 million dollars worth of mining power and is looking to triple his money in just one year?
The difficulty will obviously rise over the next year and the profitability will fall, but it is worth noting that now Bitcoin Cash a Bitcoin competitor is also fighting for the hashing power. With the price of Bitcoin Cash rapidly growing the two giants will share the difficulty increase which will slow down the fall in profitability.
After some careful consideration I decided to take a chance and have sent over 200$ worth of hard earned Bitcoin just as an experiment. According to a profitability calculator I should have my investment back within 2 months.
This would mean 600% profit per year, these numbers are unheard off in the financial world. It probably wont last but the future of bitcoin is very mysterious and unpredictable. I sometimes imagine that the .com bubble felt a little like this and some people who took a chance made huge gains.
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This post has received gratitude of 1.00 % from @jout
Ha thanks!