The "on on on"... a Hash House Harriers global tradition

We are a group of people that get together as much as possible on for a bit of exercise and then more than a bit of beer. We are "drinkers with a running problems" and there are over 5000 chapters worldwide. We get together, we chat, we run / jog/ walk, we drink and make fun of each other and then generally speaking, we disperse once it starts to get dark.

For a lot of Hashers this means it is time to head home but for a lot of other Hashers, this is just the beginning.


One the run is over and the circle gets closed normally there will be something called and "on on on" and this is derived simply from the fact that "on on" is something we use regularly when we are navigating a trail. When someone finds the true trail they shout out "on on" to let the others know which direction they should start heading in.


This symbol and the saying, is a universal thing with HHH as is the "on on on"


Depending on where you are and the budget of the people involved, the "on on on" could be some lavish jungle place the likes of which we visit here in Chiang Mai every now and then. Or it could just be some cheap restaurant with nicely-priced lagers. Normally we opt for the second thing since we generally speaking are not fancy people. It depends on where you are.

Our members that are stranded in their home countries at the moment tend to go a bit more upmarket because basically everything in the UK is "upmarket."

I am sure they are missing the prices of Thailand in this situation

This is just a way for us to extend the party to another location after we have finished at the run site. It is also a great opportunity to get to know the members of the group a lot better, especially if you are a visitor. You don't have to drink at these things but I would say that around 90% of the people that attend the on on on, do drink, perhaps a bit too much.

So if you were thinking that the calories burned during the run were going to help you lose weight or something I would say you can probably just go ahead and throw that notion out the window. With the exception of our really long half-marathon runs, we almost certainly consume far more calories in beer than we burned on our meetups in the jungle. This is likely a global phenomenon. If you want to lose weight, do that on your own time :P


We are currently doing 3 runs a week until the government tells us to stop again because of Covid. If you are in the northern Thailand area and want to join us full details are available at our official website


Haha it is fun having some beers but also a shame all that exercise goes to waste.