I’m building up my operation in Africa and am still “paying off” cheaper land options, while building up for an expansion into Jamaica. So no Jamaican land for me yet, but I’m aiming to get some!
There are so many moving parts in calculating the breakeven point for lands. But provided that you produce enough HKWATER and has enough MOTA staked to get enough free Seeds (two big investments on their own), I’d definitely say it pays off quicker.
After some very, very rough calculations based to todays market prices, I’d say you can reach the break even point for Jamaica three times as fast as with Mexico, for example. Though it really depends on how cheaply you can get the land plot. I’ve picked up a Mexican plot for 7 HIVE, today they’re listed for 14 HIVE, so that’ll double the time to reach break even.
TLDR: Generally yes, expensive lands pays off quicker than cheaper lands, in my personal experience.