Steemit Pedophile Ring & Child Porn
I was alerted to a poster @IAmGod who is posting Child Pornography, from this article by @StellaBelle:, on @IamGod's Steemit Blog under NSFW posts. While most of IamGod's content is copyrighted material stolen from pornography sites of adult porn. @IamGod has been posting images of Child Porn as well. @Ned or @Steemit needs to do something about this.
Interestingly I have identified three other accounts @Liberte1988, @therealwolf and @Obormot who were the only ones up-voting the Child Pornography content. I have used my voting power to flag everyone of their posts. Anyone who supports Child Porn by upvoting it, should have no SP power and a negative rep. So I flagged the crap out of them.
Screen Shot 1:Proof of @obormot up-voting Child Porn on @IAmGod's Blog:
Screen Shot 2 @Obormot & @TheRealWolf Up Voting Child Porn:
So you're copying part of a post which was completely overdramatic and you believe that is proof enough?
Did youeven read the comments?
Dude, do you even know what child pornography is?
Go to the deep web - afterwards, you'll wish that you could wipe apay part of your memory.
The upvoted image is a bit edgy at best - and being called a pedo for one single edgy image is completely fucked up.
And you still haven't commented about the fact that the vote you received, was exactly what you paid for.
Are you just ignoring the fact, that you started slaundering me in public, because you made a calculation mistake?
I'm serious: I expect an apology from you.
I did read the comments, you upvoted a picture of what you have since defended as "roleplaying" and I've made it clear that I don't care if your pedophilia is only a fantasy on the internet or you are actually fucking children. I have no interest in further seeking out the grime you revel in, though I'm sure you're keen to spread your ilk. I know there are more like you but I didn't randomly stumble upon them and their disgusting vileness I stumbled upon you and yours. All your words and mockery and insults don't change the fact you were upvoting what was either a child or a woman made to look like one. You think roleplaying pedophilia is ok, I don't. Roleplaying, fantasy these are first steps, it's like a serial killer starting with animals. You start in the grey and work your way to the black. From the first response until now I have seen nothing to say you are doing anything but trying to cover your own ass and spin damage control. I don't apologize to pedophiles but I'd be happy to discuss it further in person. Who's the worm behind the wolf?