@thelightreports, Yes I have read that template doc by her, and voraciously reviewed each of the other "filings" etc. :)
I am thoroughly versed on what she is trying to accomplish, however there are a few issues with the way they are going about it and it has apparently caused some sort of account imbalance, otherwise they would not be "charging" her to settle the accounts.
Winston Shrout just got popped for a similar "misadventure in commerce".
Both of them were justified in principle for attempting their respective "financing" manuevers, but they did not have the proper authority established and it jammed up the Black Book Investment Trading Account Platforms (BC trading pools which underwrite the fake national debt)
For clarity, I write the most beautiful legal and lawful documents from scratch on a daily basis, i have been with consulting clients through hell and back in many different courts across the nation. I have seen and studied literally every person, guru, and method to date that can be found on the internet, in seminars, etc. I would estimate i have spent the better part of Ten thousand dollars in the pursuit of this knowledge.
At the end of all this, and after seeing every known dirty trick imaginable (including that signing in place of the judge bs) it always comes back to the same things. STATUS, and ENFORCEMENT.
Therefore, i maintain a position that, each of these docs, trusts, "declarations", "corrections of status", "assertions of ownership" all rely upon your ability to prove that you have erased your minimum contacts and that you merit your status. This is not done by any of the "gurus" or people trying to teach others this information (save for a few doing it right).
When you actually get control of the strawman, the systems and administrators will actually recognize you as private and you can be placed on a special "Do Not Detain, Do Not Stop, Do Not Question" database that links to law enforcement and federal marshals, etc.
If you are honorable, and do it right, you cannot be charged or arrested unless you commit violence or theft.
To do this (i am on this list, and have actual first hand experience with police letting me go in various arrestable situations involving plants, etc.) requires many levels of evidence, correction, etc which are not being taught.
99.9% of these "trusts" and "docs" created by people ( although well meaning) in the patriot field are not truly backed up with the proper status and thus when people try to access the accounts, they don't have the proper credentials in the public record.
Also people who attempt these process will constantly be tested to see if they are really committed and knowledagble rather than trying something out they saw on the internet. (we had the FBI come check us out after filing)
In a nutshell, the only way to truly get out of the system, and be recognized is to:
(1) obtain the proper status, erase all minimum contacts (2) petition for and actually obtain an actual Decree a Statutory Court recognizing you as the owner of these accounts (i am currently in the process of doing my petition to obtain this, and it has already been done successfully by my mentor) the court literally declared him to be the "sole owner and beneficiary" of the ALL CAPS NAME AND ESTATE, Good Against the World. He is now getting another order saying that he is "entitled" to a full accounting. which would then be served on the DOD, the Department of Commerce, the DTC, the FED, the IBS, and various other agencies who are currently claiming an interest in the strawman.
The only people i trust who actually have a clear grasp on what to do, and the actual history of the strawman fraud are: Anna Von Reitz, and Jonah Bey.
This was a long one, lol....
But all in all is great to see you posting these types of things on here because there needs to be more open and brutally honest discussions about the fraud and modern debt slavery that is poisoning our cultures and communities.
Outstanding- I would love to be able to communicate with you via telephone or email- please transfer 1 steem or something with your contact info if you are open to that and I'll of course return the steem in my transfer reply to you- I am building up a nice database of knowledgable folks and would like to explore establishing a council that perhaps meets in a skype setting to discuss such issues. Thanks for your efforts!
Excellent. I just saw your recent transfer. Stand by...