
Pretty cool hu? 😉 I don't look for things but you know sometimes you just se a thing and goes like.... This would be perfect for him or her 🤗
Then I can't help myself... Lol
Like with your mug... Thought off you and like... This I think he would like... I know I'm weard 😂😂 hahaha

No more weird than that @c0ff33a guy or me!

Posted using Partiko Android

I must win on the weird stakes - after all I cook coffee for a living - that’s preposterously weird 🤪

Posted using Partiko iOS

I knew that silver coin would start up the mention of stacking again - I quite like just the one sat next to my roaster- it’s going to be my lucky silver stormtrooper to make all my coffee roasts come out perfect!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Lmao right on then man! May the roast be with you😋😅

Posted using Partiko Android