Hi there. In this post I show the pull of Japanese Pokemon cards I got from this booster box of Paradise Dragona. This purchase was made from a sibling who wanted to pull some packs and chase some arts. We did not do a pre-order of Surging Sparks when the price was reasonable at 150 CAD. Prices got out of control on Surging Sparks so we did not purchase a box of Surging Sparks at 250 CAD. To make up for it a box of Japanese Paradise Dragona was purchased.
The Japanese sets Paradise Dragona and Super Electric Breaker are in the English set Surging Sparks.
Difference Between Japanese Booster Boxes & English Booster Boxes In Pokemon TCG
In an English Pokemon TCG Booster box you get 36 packs in one box. The price of a box is usually 150 or 160 CAD plus tax at its lowest. In one English Pokemon TCG pack there are 11 cards where one of the cards is an Energy card and you are guaranteed a holographic card or better.
With a Japanese Booster box you get 30 packs in one box. In a single Japanese booster pack there are 5 cards. There is no guarantee of a holographic card in a pack (which kind of sucks). The price of a Japanese booster box is much cheaper compared to the English ones. In the Toronto area a Japanese booster box is often at a 65 to 80 CAD price range. You may find cheaper prices at 50 to 60 CAD or even higher prices in certain stores.
Pulled Cards
Here is the box of the Japanese box Paradise Dragona. It is not that big nor heavy.
A view of the opened box.
The left side packs of the booster box were opened.
From the left side the pulls from the 15 packs were:
- Cylizar ex
- Dialga Holo Rare
- Black Kyurem ex
- Castform Sunny Form Illustration Rare
- Landorus Holo Rare
- Gouging Fire Holo Rare
- Megaton Blower ACE SPEC
- Clobbopus Illustration Rare
Eight pulls out of 15 is okay. The other seven from the left side contained no holo cards.
The pulls from the right side of the booster box were a little bit better.
We got
- Alolan Exeggutor ex
- Zarude Holo Rare
- Archaludon ex
- Palkia Holo Rare
- Flygon ex
- Skarmory Illustration Rare
- Special Illustration Rare Alolan Exeggutor ex on the Bottom Right
Other Notes
When it comes to the number of ACE SPEC cards in a box an English booster box contains two random ACE SPEC cards. In a Japanese box, it appears from our haul that you get one ACE SPEC card in a Japanese booster box. This info is more for players who wish to dig for ACE SPECs while buying booster boxes.
I don't know if every Japanese booster box has something like 15 holo cards or better in every 30 pack box.
The Special Illustration Rare (SIR) Alolan Exeggutor was an okay pull in terms of art rares. At least it was not Drayton. The Alolan Exeggutor card actually looks nice if you look at it closely. A beautiful blend of shinyness and colours on that card. We would have liked the SIR version of Latias ex or even a regular Latias ex. For our first time opening a Japanese booster box, the pulls we got were good in our opinion.