Speaking of Cuba most people first think of nice vacation time, relaxing, going to the past, drinking rum, etc. Well if you go to Cuba and you visit the classic locations like Varadero and Havana you will get that. As a westerner you will enjoy riding in old cars, drinking rum and if you are a man probably you will date some local woman.
And after the Vacation, you will come back and speak about Cuba to your Friends as is a little paradise.
If you go to see real Cuba you can tell another story...
I was in Cuba a few months back. Full of expectations. After few days in Cuba, i said Cuba never again.
Yes if you were on the tourist spots all feels nice. you do a tour with the Havana bus around the city. Go in some tourist restaurant, enjoy a nice dinner, etc.. Well all you need to do in Havana is you just go one or two blocks away from the tourist spots and you see the real poor Havana.
Dirty streets, collapsed buildings that are standing there like they were in the 60s and no maintenance plan was meant for them.
If you drive around the city, most likely you will take a taxi. price for A to B in the city is 10 CUC(10€, 10$). Cheap? Think again. the average salary in Cuba is btw 20 to 30 CUC per month. still cheap? dont think so. a fresh doctor from school has an average salary of 26 CUC per month.
After sightseeing in Havana the only thing to do on an evening is to go to La Rambla. The most populated street in Havana at nights. the nightlife is there. if you start speaking to the locals and if you are man only after a few sentences you will get the question: Do you want to F***. And the local will get into the street and a minute or two later he will show up with a nice local Cuban girl. the only thing then is how low do you negotiate the price for her. when you agree on a price you can go to your Casa or the girl can guide you to an old building and you can do your job there. Every girl in Cuba has a price. Every. A Friend of mine lives there for 5 years now and the stories I heard... maybe in another chapter, i write about that. just give me a notice.
and then you go back to your cheap overpriced hotel and the next morning the story is reset and you go from the start.
So this should be enough for part 1. I plan to write about travelling around Cuba, different cities in Cuba, the life in Cuba. I have a bunch of stories. let me know if you are interested in those. and sorry for my English. it's my fourth language :)
Good article
Please do continue with the story, your English is fine :)

will do. must look around the platform first :)