In practical terms, Hawaii's strategic value and importance meant it would have ended up in one empire or another. The possibilities were Japan, Russia, America, and maybe Britain.
Japan didn't tend to treat its colonies very well throughout history, to put it lightly. If Russia owned it, they might have built a navy to dominate the Pacific, and thus have a foothold in both Europe and throughout the Pacific. They probably would have lost it to America during the revolution anyway.
If Britain grabbed it at some point, it would have been exploited similarly to how America did, but would be the weakest link in the British Empire given the distance from the home islands.
So I think given the circumstances, America was and continues to be the least of all evils. The cultural destruction should not be apologized for, as that was not a good thing. It might have happened with most of the potential empire suitors however.
That does not justify the U.S. empire. And frankly, tell that to a Native Hawaiian and prepare for the worst. If the U.S. wasn't busy being a policeman of the world, Russia taking the Pacific wouldn't have been a big deal. And if the Japanese conquered Hawaii, like now, it's up to Native Hawaiians to take their land back. Sorry, but your neocon comment fails.
You can't pretend that Hawaii would have successfully defended itself against Japan. Hawaiians may have legitimate grievances with the United States as a historical political entity for things done in the past, but it is a U.S. state now and comes with all kinds of advantages and privileges for being one. To argue for Hawaiian independence is pissing into the wind.
Labeling me a neocon is pointless.
I don't pretend that, but you pretend that Hawaii is better off subjugated. Hawaiians don't want Americans there. "Statehood" is a death sentence because it is land stolen, and the U.S. has largely been successful is decimating Hawaiian culture.
You are a neocon based on the fact you support Hawaiian cultural genocide.
Nowhere have I said that.