Stephen Hawking's words are life and world !!

in #hawking7 years ago

Stephen Hawking

Many known for being Hawking's rare motor, spent most of his life in the wheelchair with neuron disease, but did not stop there. Finally, at 76, Steven Hawking was considered the 'brightest star of modern cosmology'. Various press releases have published reports on the remarkable specimen made by this step of theoretical physics. In this report, the report of Hawking's selection has been compiled from the Guardian, BBC and ABC News reports.

Stephen Hawking's Remarkable Quotes -

  • In 1996, in the 'Nature of Space and Time', he said of a black hole or a black hole, 'When Einstein said' God does not play pasha ', he was wrong. Considering the black hole, it is seen that the Creator does not just play Dasha, but at the same time he misleads us with a dash that can not be seen.

  • The book 'A Brief History of Time' was published in 1988 by Hawking. In this context, he said, "If we find the answer, it will be the final conquest of humanity - from here we will know the Creator's mind."


  • In 2010, in the book 'The Grand Design' published in The Grand Design, he said, "It is not necessary to call the Creator to light the blue touchpad and run the universe." Another commentary about God is that 'I believe the easiest explanation is that there is no Creator. Nobody has created the universe and nobody decides our fate. It leads me towards a deeper understanding, that is, there is no heaven and there is nothing to say about the later life. We have a life to appreciate this huge design of the universe and I am very grateful for that.'

  • In December 2004, in an interview with the American New York Times, he said, "I want my books to be sold at airport bookstores."

  • In December 2006, in an interview with Israeli TV, he said, "The bad part of celebrity is that I can not go anywhere in the world that no one will recognize me. Wear dark black glasses and wig is not enough for me. Wheel racers put me away from this.'

  • In 2010, on the discovery channel 'On Into the Universe with Steven Hawking', he said, "You or I would not have survived without imperfection."


  • The intention of killing someone by deliberately releasing someone from trouble is called 'Youthansia' In 2006, People's Daily Online published a quote from Hawking. He said, 'The right to die for himself is in the right condition, if he wants to. But I think it would be a big mistake. No matter how bad life is, there is always something you can do and succeed with it. Where there is life, there is hope. '

  • In 2004, in the National Geographic Channel, in the "In Naked Science: Alien Contact" event, people feared a clash between humans and aliens or aliens, "I think it will be a catastrophe. Residents of the outside world may be much better than us. The meeting of primitive people with the species ahead of this planet was not very happy, and they were the same species of animals. I think we should keep our heads down. "He also said about Alien," If the Alien comes here, I think Christopher Columbus will be the first to reach America in the first place, which is not very good for American indigenous people. "

  • In December 2004, in an interview with the New York Times, on determining motor neuron disease, he said, "When I was 21 years old, my hopes came to zero. Since then everything is bonus. '

  • In the matter of death in May 2011, he told the Guardian, "For the last 49 years I have lived with fear of death. I'm not afraid of death, but I'm not too quick to die. At first I want to do so much. '

  • 'We are a very popular species of monkeys on a small planet on a very typical one. But we can understand the universe. This has made us special. 'If life was not fun then it would be painful.

  • 'The biggest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, but the enemy is the illusion of wisdom.'

  • "For millions of years mankind has lived like animals. Then there is something that has spread the power of our imagination. We learned to speak. Talking gave us the opportunity to communicate with different ideas, to give people the ability to work together to do something impossible. The greatest achievement of mankind has been through talking and the biggest failure has not come. This is not about to happen. Our biggest hopes can be realistic in the future. The possibilities are infinite through the technology system. All we need is to make sure to talk. '

  • 'My goals are simple. This is the complete understanding of the universe. It is as it is now and why it survives.

  • 'Even though I can not move and I have to speak through a computer, but I am free from the mind.'

  • 'We are in danger of destroying us through our greed and stupidity. Small and tainted, and on a magnificent planet we can not look inside us. '


  • Regarding his illness, he said, 'My inability to physicist my disability has not been a significant obstacle. Rather I would have been involved in lecture or administrative work, protecting me from these, it helped me in a sense. I have made arrangements, however, it has only been due to the huge support received by my wife, children, colleagues and students. I see people are generally very ready to help, but their efforts are acceptable to you so that they can feel that you should encourage them as much as they can. '

  • 'I think the brain is a computer whose components will fail when it fails to stop working. There is no heaven or post-death life for a broken computer; This is a fairy tale for people who are afraid of darkness. '

  • 'Remember to look at the star, not beneath your feet. Try to understand what you see and wonder what the universe has survived. Be curious. And no matter how boring life is, there is always something you can do and succeed with it. This is the topic you never left. '

  • 'People who are proud of their IQ or intelligence are defeated.'

Enjoy the world and inform the world :) Rizve Ahmed


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I appreciate Stephen Hawking
I think he is a genius.
Perhaps life was not too unfair.

Yeah we lost a great man. he is one of the best scientist in this generation.

Exactly, you can say he is the best today. Unfortunately. :(

Thanks for the information

Thank you so much @resan but listen just 3 or 4 words not enough for a rael steam worker. I hope you understand.

Thanks for your postings. ^:;

Keep me in your mind :)