Some thoughts about HBD that have been brewing lately from a friend wanting to get in;
He has a hard time doing it in one go, buying up HBD on bittrex is close to impossible at a good price and takes a long time of adjusting back and forth based on Bitcoin's movements. His other option is to do it in the inner market with Hive which is also just as volatile if not more than Bitcoin.
Converting Hive into HBD is also not an option due to the 5% fee, I understand the fee is there to avoid manipulation but maybe once we get a bigger supply and more listings we can consider removing the 5% fee altogether allowing bigger investors to purchase Hive on the big exchanges and quickly be able to convert it to HBD without a fee and only based on the 3.5 day median price it currently works as.
Raising the APR now without having these options ready won't make much sense, it'd be like offering people who are already hard to reach something awesome but even if they manage to find out about it need to go through hoops to get there. The only people that can possibly do this conveniently enough right now is bot operators or people with a lot of time on their hand to manually edit buy orders according to prices, having said that most serious private investors won't.
On top of all of that we need to find more usecases for HBD. I have some things in the works but can't say much yet as it'll be experimental to begin with, but I'd love a big HBD supply as much as the next guy.
We def. need a HBD/stablecoin pair. This would make it a lot easier for the average hiver to buy HBD instead of either having to do it manually or use scripts to trade (USDT => BTC => HBD)
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The liquidity is terrible ... I was trying to buy HBD in the past few days, and Bittrex was down.
We desperately need USD-HBD listing on a big exchange.
I even ranted a bit here :)
Forget Bittrex. Hive Engine is the place to do this, and liquidity is slowly increasing there.
Talk to them, get a quote, pitch funding to cover the cost on DHF. That's how this works. There's no one "in charge" who is supposed to do it.
If there isn't one single person in the community willing to make the effort (which can include getting paid personally by DHF too), then it won't happen.
Yes I can try that, but I supose others already have contacts at least with bittrex, binance and huobi, where hive is already listed and can ask for hbd listings ..... I might try to get in contact with kucoin and some others where hive is not listed at all, and ask for listing for both hive and hbd