Still worth thinking about the economics here, and maybe adjusting what constitutes discomfort.
If you want Hive to stumble along as a hobby project as long as people want to continue working it, then ignore economics. But if you want the value and resources to go up to the point where it can actually self-sustain and thrive, then sound economics needs a louder and more influential voice than it has had a times. The ultimate goal is not a pretty trending page that hardly anyone sees.
People do look at the trending page. They see a bland post. Not a loud and influential voice. There are a few of you here who when working together form a strong network. Probably the mightiest in all the land and when you want something to be seen, you all work together, and within minutes it's sitting where it needs to be. The number one slot. And there's nothing wrong with that; but if you truly believed nobody looks there, you would have skipped all those steps.
I observed Blocktrades refer to the posts as advertisements. I agree, they do serve that purpose. Advertising is supposed to pop though. As a consumer, if someone kept handing me the same bland flyer over and over on the street, I'd be annoyed. It's all in the delivery. A tidbit of information and a link leading to more detailed information about the project could make up a small but important portion of the post. Then there's the perfect opportunity to include fresh new updates about the happenings on chain; new developments, new projects, success stories. Anything. Something. An opportunity to give fresh new faces some exposure straight out of the gates. Links to new and interesting content found in any of the communities. Then you're killing a whole flock of birds with one stone, plus the general public remains interested, keeps coming back for more, feeling fine about plopping a vote down.
Nobody would complain if the posts had substance. You folks make a strong case and seem quite confident this project will do some good. At a glance it almost appears as if this project wants to make what's so appealing in de-fi farmland look like a little beeyotch. So if it's that valuable, adding value to the posts only makes sense, in my mind. As they are now, in this state, they stand no chance of even being shared on social media. Make the posts connect with people somehow and you damn right they're going to pass it around. Then it's advertising.
I'm sure there's money in the budget and one could delegate the work involved to someone else. I don't want to do it. I'm already tired from thinking too much.
Thanks for your time.