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RE: Chiron: The Wounded Healer Blueprint for the New Earth Timeline

in #healer6 years ago

Hi @celestialcow, that is the same house as mine! Core wounds have to do with inheritance, tax and debt. Difficulty in asking for other people's resources. Also with sexual intimacy and the way you learn to find trust in partnership and open up to intimacy that heals. This could lead to you becoming a coach/teacher/healer on sexuality.

Chiron in the 8th house is also about death, and even suggest that you may have lost a dear one in childhood that has created the paradigm of pain in your bioenergy field. It is so accurate because I lost my closest and dearest friend when I was 11. We were inseparable and dreaming up New Earth realities daily. It was as if my magick died with her death, and I am since very much in a process of recovering the magick piece by piece.


wow thanks for your response, some stuff there definitely makes sense, let say money is an issue and at †he moment i dont have much of it!

no one close to me physically died when i was younger but ive had quite intense friends only to see them suddenly end or just fade out. or i dramatically change and cut people off, im also a scorpio ascendant but taurus sun so its an axis. im not sure if ill be a teacher on sexuality >< of recent i have not felt sexual at all, despite this ive had alot of experience and been pretty loose in the past. now in a faze of focusing more inward and connecting to people energies