The Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses: A Blood Builder and Natural Mosquito Repellent

in #healing8 years ago (edited)

Summary: Learn about blackstrap molasses as a source of vitamins and minerals, including iron. It is a blood builder, natural mosquito repellent, and has a reputation as a natural hair color restorative.

Boys Pilfering Molasses, Public Domain Image

When some people think of blackstrap molasses they think of warm gingerbread cookies. But blackstrap molasses has some surprising health benefits.

Blackstrap molasses, extracted from from pure cane sugar, is rich in vitamins and minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.

It is used as a bloodbuilder and restorative. It has been used to help replenish the blood supply after excessive blood loss or to recover from anemia. Two to three tablespoons per day helps the body replenish its blood supply and regain energy. It is a safe and natural source of daily iron, with none of the side-effects often associated with iron supplements.

Blackstrap molasses will keep mosquitoes from biting. For best results, during mosquito season, take one to two tbsp. of blackstrap molasses in the morning and another tbsp. in the evening. Keeping a high supply of iron in the system will keep mosquitoes from biting. They do not like human blood that is rich in iron. They will hover around you, but they will not bite.

Blackstrap molasses has a reputation as a hair color restorative. This fact is mentioned in the book, “Get Well Naturally,” by Linda Clark. The author was able to find several people who added two tbsp. of blackstrap molasses to their diets as part of an overall program of good health and, as a result, experienced the regeneration of their own natural hair color. Clark attributes this result to the fact that blackstrap molasses “contains B vitamins and minerals including iron and copper – all components used in natural recoloring of animal fur.”

Not all molasses is the same. Blackstrap molasses is the result of a three-step process in the extraction of pure sugar cane. It will always have the word “blackstrap” on the label. It can be found in grocery stores is many parts of the United States and nearly all health food stores.


Clark, Linda. Get Well Naturally. Arco Publishing Co., 1965. P. 131-132.

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