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RE: The Obsession With Punishment

in #healing8 years ago

Thank you for this . As an animal trainer since the early 80s , I have seen my profession go from totally brutal to much more intelligent , creative and compassionate. There are still plenty of hold outs who insist that punishment is necessary but the change over the past 35 years is amazing .
Change can happen but it's such a slow progress.
I only hope that humanity doesn't punish itself into extinction before the change is complete.
I'm glad you are lighting a spark to the flame of that change.


I've learned from personal experience. I used to shame my Boston Terrier. Poor lovely thing. Sorry, Hazel. I did what I knew then. When I was growing up we used to literally point our finger in our dog's face and say "Shaaaaaaaame" when he did something we didn't like. :(