Thank you Alex for acknowledging my gift, most appreciate! Yes it is a much needed ability for sure. I've not heard of Drunvalo Melchizedek, but I will check out his work.
Energy flowing from our heart and souls is so powerful and huge shift would happen so quickly if more people knew this and used it! I was guided to write Awaken to share this message, it will have a snowball effect once people start to raise their vibration.
Thanks for following and reading my blogs! Yes I'm so pleased that @cabbagepatch has recommended my work to you - thanks again! :)
here is a short article. /. there is MUCH more detail but this is the basic idea
Thanks for sharing Alex, much appreciated.
Interesting information which brings up some differing of opinions, but removing the entities is what counts.
yes some of the details are a bit out there.. The main thing is that he removes entities with compassion AND sends them home! Many of the rough and fear based methods just pull them out against their will and they just end up jumping into someone else...
I work with Angel Michael and send releasing energies to source so they can't go jump into or mess with anyone else. There's enough of them around, don't need to be releasing them all more than once!
yes! thats exactly what we did.. we called the angels including michael to help take them home.. not necessarily to the light, but home.. WE also use our merkaba to protect ourselves.. i think its quite similar work
It sounds similar. I say Pure when I mean something that is Pure, so source here to me is wherever the universe thinks it should be sent, guided by Archangel Michael, which sounds like what you mean by home.