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RE: Something I do that most people would think is crazy!

in #healing7 years ago

Interesting comments. I feel that I don’t actually have any beliefs around any of this as I work through feelings and my soul connection, so what I share is what I have felt when doing energy work and also what I have learnt through Quantum Physics.

Quantum physics does actual show that everything that exists is energy and has a measurable frequency. All energy that does good vibrates very quickly and has a very high frequency and all energy that does bad has a very low frequency. This was photographed by Dr Masaru Emoto with his famous frozen water photographs, which if you haven’t seen them then I do recommend that you check them out. Different frequencies can be seen in other ways, such as with particles making differing patterns on a vibrating plate at different frequencies. Sound and music are other examples where we can hear and know that high and low frequencies exist. Our word is full of opposites and polarity does exist.

For me, to say there is no evil and only one God is saying that God approves of murder, rape, pedophilia, wars and all that is evil, because if there is no alternative source then all this behaviour is coming from God!

Pure Source is the highest frequency there is, and it is only able and capable of being Pure.
Any action that is damaging, abusive or destroying is a very, very low frequency and is not Pure.

I channel Pure and Divine energies and do a lot of heart and soul opening work, so I would say that my work is heart centred and I sure do my best to Shine My Light and inspire others to do so too! My passion is doing energy work to help people. I am a healer not a debater!

I do hope you enjoy your travels. Sending Pure Love & Light.

One of my favourite quotes would be:

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart’ - Helen Keller