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RE: Something I do that most people would think is crazy!

in #healing8 years ago

What an amazing story! And so interesting as well :) I had a Christian upbringing, so have always been aware of good and evil spirits/energies.

Although I consider myself non-religious now, and definitely don't see the world as an "indoctrinated Christian" would anymore, I do think we live in a world of duality. I am glad to have been led on a path of learning for myself the divine power of love and light, and am glad to be using it more consciously to heal my thoughts, spirit and being.

Thank you for doing what you do, you give so much value to the world! It's definitely time for us all to be more in tune with our spiritual selves :)


I was brought up as a Catholic to age 16, and don't follow religion now either. I think my soul was rejecting it the whole time, but it was forced upon me!Thank you @redrica for your comments.

Great that you choosing Love and Light and learning about the healing power of these energies. The more you go into it the more amazing stories you hear, as well as feeling it for yourself!

You're welcome, thanks for your appreciation! & yes it is definitely time for everyone to tune into their spiritual selves! :)

Yes I totally relate! The christian upbringing I was born into, although exposed me to a lot of interesting spiritual knowledge (biased to the faith though), it never sat right with me, because of the oppression and control I felt, I also always had many questions about the universe they could never answer or would usually shun. I felt so liberated when I finally left my church for good, my spiritual journey has blossomed, and my relationship with the universe and my higher self is deeper and more meaningful than ever before :)

I agree! I can remember asking my Mum if God was good and powerful then why was he letting children starve to death in Africa and she couldn't give me an answer so I decided that God didn't exist, because a good God wouldn't do that!
Freedom and liberty are what is so important, great you're feeling this and enjoying exploring spirituality and higher universal energy. It is very profound! :)

Just glad to finally feel connected with something that actually does make total sense to me :)

Yes it is quite a relief and gives us inner strength and more hope in humanity! :)