I can't chat much here due to Low RC... Please come to https://discord.gg/W4MKY3 server... We will help u out... Once u r there contact me there @dev1993 is my user name
Posted using Partiko Android
I can't chat much here due to Low RC... Please come to https://discord.gg/W4MKY3 server... We will help u out... Once u r there contact me there @dev1993 is my user name
Posted using Partiko Android
I am out Steemcleaners discord channel
Posted using Partiko Android
That's not Steemcleaners... That's Dynamic steemians... Contact me There... I can't reply any more here... Low rc
Posted using Partiko Android
rabiagiani is very cheater user he is man fraud
Is it so @hamzasb ? If yes @rabiagilani you are doing a very wrong thing here... Using someone else's identity is a crime... Please don't do it.
Posted using Partiko Android
OK my WhatsApp number +923484839572
Posted using Partiko Android
Don't share your whats-app number publicly... Please come to Dynamic Steemians Discord server and discuss your problems...