Benefits of Physical Education for children's health ..

in #health7 years ago

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Not only for adults, sports also have a range of benefits for children. Physical education in schools as an integral part of education will help students to undergo optimal growth and development processes both physically, physically, mentally, and socially.

In addition to supporting the process of growth and development, physical activity is also very useful for mental health and mood Small. Therefore, almost every school has physical education and health as part of its educational curriculum. What are the benefits of physical education in schools for children?, Jakarta Not only for adults, sports also has a range of benefits for children. Physical education in schools as an integral part of education will help students to undergo optimal growth and development processes both physically, physically, mentally, and socially.

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In addition to supporting the process of growth and development, physical activity is also very useful for mental health and mood Small. Therefore, almost every school has physical education and health as part of its educational curriculum. What are the benefits of physical education in schools for children?

  1. Meet the needs of child space
    Physical education is the world of children and according to their needs. In it, children can learn with joy through the passion of their desire to move, let alone be supported by the use of equipment. The more fulfilled the need for motion in its infancy, the greater its impact on the quality of growth itself.
    In addition, basically children are experiencing a period of excess energy. This excess energy needs to be channeled so as not to interfere with the child's behavior and mental. As soon as the excess energy is channeled, the child will regain his balance, because after rest the child will regenerate and restore his energy optimally.

  2. Have stronger muscles and bones
    Physical education supports the child to choose the physical activity he likes and do it regularly. Familiarize the child to exercise can help the formation of muscles and bones of children will be more leverage. This can support the growth and development of the Little.

  3. Prevent the occurrence of obesity
    Conducting physical education and exercising can help to keep the child's weight ideal, according to the stage of growth. This can prevent excessive weight in children, which is most often caused by low physical activity. By ensuring that the weight remains ideal and proportional to height, the child will be spared from obesity.

  4. Reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and hypertension
    Inviting the Little to undergo physical education is not only beneficial for him for that moment alone, but also a provision for him in the future. Some studies show that children who are trained to exercise early have a lower likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes and hypertension as they grow older.

  5. Improve mood and creativity
    Living a physical education and physical activity can also be very beneficial for the health of the little soul. This not only makes him more passionate and happy, but also can support his creativity and performance in everyday activities.

  6. Coaching children's reasoning
    Coaching children through problem solving is very important to improve the achievement of cognitive and affective domains that have been considered less dominant in physical education. Social scene or simulation, equal opportunity of boys and girls, and the development of social attitudes are important contributions in physical education, honesty, sportsmanship, and fair conduct. All of these are the core breaths in sports is an important investment in their social development.

Teaching physical education in schools has many benefits for children. Given the right choice of sports, games, and teaching methods, children are expected to grow and develop optimally both physically, physically, mentally, and socially. A complete package that will bring great benefits to the child!

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