in #health7 years ago

The friends stemians wherever you are, Know and have you heard U (coconut) dadeh the usual coconut but the contents are full and soft, and the water is dry. This coconut is rare and has many benefits for health. after being oiled. how to make the oil is by way of coconut shavings and drying in the heat of the eyes of the day usually up to 1 week or more. after so the oil then in ramu with some other materials in accordance with the needs of them are:

  1. For sequential or dislocated drugs. Take coconut oil dadeh 5 tablespoons and mix 3 premixed nutmeg seeds.
  2. To eradicate the hair lice. mixed with dadeh coconut oil with squeezed leaves of sirzak or tubarasa leaves. apply on the scalp until smooth, at the time before bed.

  1. To fertilize and shine the hair, mix the oil with guava leaves that have been in the blender and apply on the scalp until flat in the morning and afternoon, after smeared head with cloth or towel.

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Para sahabat stemians dimanapun anda berada, Tahu dan pernahkah anda mendengar U(kelapa) dadeh yaitu kelapa biasa tetapi isinya sudah penuh dan lembut, serta airnya sudah kering. Kelapa ini sudah langka dan banyak manfaatnya untuk kesehatan. sesudah dijadikan minyak. cara menjadikan minyak ialah dengan cara kukur kelapa tersebut dan jemur di panas mata hari biasanya sampai 1 minggu atau lebih. setelah jadi minyak barulah di ramu dengan beberapa bahan lainnya sesuai dengan keperluan diantaranya :

  1. Untuk obat urut atau obat terkilir. Ambil minyak Kelapa dadeh 5 sendok makan dan campurkan denga 3 biji pala yang sudah digiling.
  2. Untuk membasmi kutu rambut. campurkan minyak kelapa dadeh dengan remasan daun sirzak atau daun tubarasa. oleskan pada kulit kepala hingga rata, pada saat menjelang tidur malam.

  1. Untuk menyuburkan dan mengkilatkan rambut, campurkan minyak tersebut dengan daun jambu biji yang sudah di blender dan oleskan pada kulit kepala hingga rata pada pagi dan sore hari, setelah dioleskan balut kepala dengan kain atau handuk.


Very interesting!
I had no clue you could use these things to treat lice! That's incredible! :D

I've resteemed this post and kept one resteem on hold for you for later in the week! :)

Thank you for your follow and support!

Thank you friend,
this is part of traditional medicine that does not cause side effects, and the ingredients are easy to obtain and cheap.

U buleun tak nyo daerah kamo

kon, U buleun tak asoejih tinggai sikhan dan kreuh, sedangkan U dadeh asoejih leumiek dan peunoh, hana iejih dan cukop got keu ubat.