Soursop fruit is a plant born in aceh, and soursop plants are also present in central america and south america. Aceh became one of the areas that cultivate many soursop plants and is named in the regional language of Aceh (boh lona).
Soursop fruit has thorns on all the outside (skin). There is also the contents of soursop fruit when it is cooked has a white color with black seeds and also contain the contents of soursop fruit is very slippery.
As for the main benefits of soursop plants for human health is the leaves of soursop plants. There are several benefits of soursop leaves for health as used in the aceh community as follows.
- Suppliers of energy to parts of the body.
The content contained in soursop plants into the efficacy for the addition of energy. And there is also vitamin B1 that is useful for adding energy levels. As for the function of it is to optimize the organs in humans among the heart, lungs, brain and kidney.
- Boosts the human immune system.
In soursop plants contain compounds that are useful to improve the body's immune system from disease attacks.
- Help the production of hemoglobin.
In soursop fruit there is also riboflavin, this serves to help produce red blood cells, in the presence of riboflavin it is helpful to drain oxygen to all organs of the body.
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Mantapnya fhoto anda......saya kasih nilai 100 persen, buah ini sudah mulai langka di daerah pohon lona ini sangat guna jika kita tamam di taman- taman yang akan kita tanam,seperti, sayuran, padi, maupun tanaman muda lain kegunaannya untuk mencegah serangan hama pada tanaman -tanaman muda. Kata orang- orang tua di daerah saya semalo. Apa itu semalon, saya juga masih tidak tau dari segi apa yabg mentebabkan semalo dari hama yang menyerangtumbuhan.
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Soursop fruit a lot of benefits for pregnatn women.