Why Is The Official Narrative About The Origins Of Covid Suddenly Changing?

in #health4 years ago

By Janet Phelan

Recently, the official narrative concerning the origins of the Covid pandemic underwent an abrupt change. The social media giants stopped automatically censoring stories pointing to the lab in Wuhan as a possible ground zero for the virus, as President Biden ordered an intelligence investigation into the possibility of the virus coming from what is being termed “a lab leak.”

At the same time, revelations appeared in the mainstream press, after months of such stories circulating in independent media, stating that Dr. Anthony Fauci had funded gain of function research in the Wuhan lab, contrary to his public assertions. Fauci’s emails, which ramp up further concern as to the veracity of his public statements about the genesis of the virus and any potential personal involvement with the Wuhan lab, were FOIAed by Buzzfeed and circulated widely.

This article intends to focus in on the reasons for the shift in the narrative and what it may portend.

When one narrative appears to be failing, very often another will take its place. However, it is possible that Narrative One and Narrative Two both have fatal flaws, which serve to protect an ongoing and underlying agenda.

The official story about someone eating a sick bat in a food market in Wuhan China and thus jump-starting the worldwide so-called pandemic has come under considerable scrutiny. Scientists of the level of Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier have appeared on mainstream media challenging the veracity of this narrative, stating instead that the virus appears to be bioengineered.

Not only is the sick bat story under scrutiny but the solution offered by the powers-that-be, universal vaccination, has also resulted in considerable non-compliance. Only 43% of the American population has been fully vaccinated as of June 15th. Israel has vaccinated 63% of its population while Germany lags significantly behind, with 48% vaccinated. Netherlands and Spain are both slightly shy of a total of 45% of their populations fully vaccinated.

Noting the general reluctance to follow the Pied Piper on this one, Bill Gates expressed bewilderment at the lackadaisical response to his vaccine insistence and “says he has been taken aback by the volume of 'crazy' and 'evil' conspiracy theories about him spreading on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Enter Narrative Two—The Wuhan Lab suffered a Leak

As suggested in a recent article by Dr. Daniel Gerstein, formerly of the Department of Homeland Security and currently with the Rand Corporation, we should avoid a binary, either/or choice as to the origins of the virus. Unfortunately, in his recent article in National Interest, Gerstein only develops the binary choices and fails to consider the elephant in the room, that the virus was repurposed and intentionally released.

Gerstein writes:

There are two alternative scenarios that could be considered as well. The first would be a spillover event where researchers from a laboratory—possibly China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology that studies coronaviruses—were searching for isolates of bat coronaviruses in nearby caves. Perhaps they were either not wearing the proper personal protective equipment, did not properly decontaminate after leaving the cave, or inadequately secured and sealed their samples. The coronaviruses they collected need not have included COVID-19. Instead, it could have been near genomic neighbors that through replication, mutated and became COVID-19 variants.

He goes on to assert,

The second alternative scenario builds off of the first one. In this scenario, scientists working with coronavirus variants could have become exposed through improper or lax biosafety and biosecurity procedures in the laboratory. Just as in the first alternative scenario, a near genomic neighbor virus could have mutated and become a COVID-19 variant.

In offering these scenarios, Gerstein daintily sidesteps the prospect of an intentional release.

Dr. Daniel Gerstein first came to the attention of this reporter in Geneva, Switzerland in 2011 at the Biological Weapons Convention at the United Nations, where his attempts to persuade the delegates at a side event, hosted by the US, that the US had robust biological weapons laws involved some studied duplicity on his part. Gerstein presented to those attending the side event an older, replaced piece of legislation and neglected to inform his audience as to the real governing law, Section 817 of the USA PATRIOT Act, which gives the US immunity from violating its own bioweapons laws. Equally, Gerstein responded to a question concerning the possibility that biological weapons were stored at a military base in Northern California by denying the existence of the base, which is Sierra Army Depot.

So when Gerstein suggests a non-binary approach to the question of the origins of the pandemic, then only provides binary options, one may simply be forced to view his assertions as yet another attempt to occlude the facts.

A similar modus operandi, of Narrative One and Two, played out concerning the JFK assassination. The lone gunman thesis was largely rejected by Americans. At that point, New Orleans DA Jim Garrison, whose prior employment as an FBI agent was subsequently exposed in the Patricia Lambert book False Witness, accused a man who may have had some CIA connections, Clay Shaw. It was the sexy conspiracy story on steroids. The only problem was that, along with the fascination that the colorful Garrison engendered, he had no evidence linking Shaw to the conspiracy. A Saturday Evening Post reporter named James Phelan met with Garrison in Las Vegas where Garrison turned over his documents to the reporter, stating “Wait til you see what I have.”

Phelan stayed up all night poring over the documents, only to find that the sole witness against Shaw, Perry Russo, denied any knowledge of a Clay Shaw or a Clem Bertrand (allegedly Shaw’s aka) until Garrison had a doctor dose Russo with sodium pentothal and guide him through his testimony.

The rest is history. Phelan reported on the documents in his cover article for the Saturday Evening Post and testified at Shaw’s trial. He was subsequently subjected to a massive smear campaign by the Garrison faithful, who, lacking any ammunition concerning the veracity of the documents, went for character assassination.

So now we have two parallel issues—questions about the bat story and questions about Fauci. If Fauci takes the fall, it will not fix the problem, however. Just as Garrison’s prosecution of Shaw could have served to satisfy the uneasy and questioning American public and divert their attention away from the real assassins, should Fauci go down many will consider this case closed.

Which would be most unfortunate. The US’s secret bioweapons program has been one of the most carefully guarded of its secrets. Now that Pandora’s box has been flung wide open, it is unlikely to be closed again without considerable leverage.

In a recent conversation with NYU Professor Mark Crispin Miller, he offered the following perspective. Said Miller, “They may be preparing to drop the whole Covid narrative in order to hit us with an even more frightening and incapacitating attack of some kind.”

Miller has taught a course in propaganda at NYU for several decades. He has authored a number of books on media criticism and has been the recipient of a Guggenheim fellowship.

Referencing the buzz about cyber attacks and the subsequent projected paralysis of society Miller went on to say that: “They have suddenly started to administer one horrible shock after another.”

“The signals for a next act are unmistakable,” he declared. Noting the parallel threads of the country reopening and Fauci under fire, Miller stated that “They are downplaying Covid now because they want to get ready for the next thing.”

Janet Phelan has been on the trail of the biological weapons agenda since the new millennium. Her book on the pandemic, At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of US Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic,JanetPhelan will be published in 2021 by Trine Day. Her articles on this issue have appeared in Activist Post, New Eastern Outlook, Infowars and elsewhere. Educated at Grinnell College, UC Berkeley and the University of Missouri Graduate School of Journalism, Janet "jumped ship" and since 2004 has been writing exclusively for independent media. Her articles previously appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Oui Magazine, Orange Coast Magazine, the Long Beach Press Telegram, the Santa Monica Daily Press and other publications. She is the author of the groundbreaking expose, EXILE and two books of poetry. She resides abroad. You may follow Janet on Parler here @JanetPhelan. To support her work, please go to

Image credit: Pixabay

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