Wow nice one!!!! 100% upvotet and also resteeeemed!!!!
Thanks for this diamond!!!!
Back now! First had to check all links ;-)
Tesla spoke about the numbers 9,6,3...
We all use kymatika
Sound and light :-))))
Finally an interesting article today!
Hugs to ya
Yours or from @mammasitta ... we all use nearly the same, only other names ;-) for me as a yogini it was normal to practice the transcendent Meditation.
I will listen again my dear @reddust
Always thanks to @mammasitta for finding such peace’s of light ;-)
We have the responsibility to keep on shining, to lighten those dark spots of Ego everywhere we look at those days.
Thank you @akashas, we need to share our information, Steemit is a great place to do that and I will be writing about meditation and how important it is to know thyself! @mammasitta has been a good friend to me and many others here on Steemit, she is true blue!