I've just had a lovely little patient come visit me in my clinic (it's a nice change as most see me via Skype).
He's making tremendous progress & his parents are very happy.
He's 3.5 years old & was developing normally until he regressed after vaccinations at 13 months old: Lost speech, eye contact, became hyperactive (jumping all day), stopped responding to name. He was diagnosed with autism at around 3 years.
I've seen him three times now & the change is remarkable - single words have started! Very good comprehension now, he's no longer hyper, he points, he makes eye contact, no more dark circles under eyes, he's waving, follows instructions. The parents showed me an assessment letter from the doctor that initially diagnosed him. The doctor is now saying that there are some language delays, but he's no longer autistic (after two prescriptions!), but he was totally dismissive of homeopathy being behind the massive improvements in the last 16 weeks & refused to mention it on his report. In one way I find it funny that the medics have this massive blind-spot with regards to homeopathy, but in another way it's incredibly frustrating - people will still claim homeopathy doesn't work, and families with autistic kids will still be told that it's untreatable.
When did medicine stop being a science & become something like a bureaucratic government agency?
Yes, that is frustrating that the doctors won't acknowledge what works.
They can offer zero solutions themselves,
but when the parent seeks out an answer and solution on their own,
and it WORKS ...
it is just a coincidence and they can't explain why the child has improved.
Keep up the good work Alan!
thanks CC :)
I am so glad your young patient is doing well. It is a fine thing you do healing people with care. 🐓🐓
They are too proud, too corrupt and too afraid of their position to admit anyone except them can be right. I'm more and more often confronting this attitude from doctors..Its pitiful to be honest..
That would be around the time that pharmaceutical companies starting throwing their cash around.
I'll admit that I was skeptical at one point. I was trained in the Army as an X-ray tech and medic, so of course, I got a biased education and was completely ignorant to the facts. But I was sold on homeopathy after a traumatic tooth extraction. The dentist had his knee on my chest for leverage at one point and I could feel the muscles tearing in my jaw --I thought my jaw would snap. He sent me on my way with an apology and some Vicodin. I took one Vicodin on the way home, but not another. I started popping arnica instead. No pain. No Swelling. No Bruising. None. That was my ah-ha moment.
Nice Jenny
Arnica can be like magic! Welcome to the fold. I was in the airforce back way back when (I ended up with auto-immune issue thanks to their vaccines, didn't realise at the time that was the cause of course)
Nice post
Long live the pharmaceutic lobby... :-/