Pork MEAT became one of the favorite foods of many people. Unfortunately, those of you who like meat consumption may experience the risk of undesirable health deterioration.
Pork consumption should also be avoided because it contains tapeworms. The worms can transmit the disease when it enters the human digestion.
Not only that, pork also contains high fat than goat or beef meat. When consumed in excess of course can contribute the risk of bad cholesterol.
Should avoid eating pork although claimed it tastes very good. There are many impacts that you may experience such as the following reviews, reported Boldsky, Tuesday (26/09/2017).
Hepatitis E
Pork liver is very tasty and contains high vitamin A and other nutrients. But what you probably do not know is that the virus from pig liver can be contaminated by hepatitis E virus. You who consume it vulnerable suffer the disease accidentally.
It should be noted, hepatitis E is one of five types of hepatitis virus that infects humans. Although doctors say the virus is harmless such as hepatitis C and hepatitis B.
Beware if you experience symptoms of vomiting, abdominal pain, jaundice, fever after eating this meat. You may also experience liver failure that leads to death.
There is a worm
Pigs are usually raised in very unhygienic conditions. In this case, the larvae of various parasites can multiply in the abdomen of this animal.
Doctors say, in the digestion of pigs can contain roundworms, cream worms, tapeworms, and hookworms, which can spread to the meat.
Multiple sclerosis
Duh, eating pork can cause multiple sclerosis. What do you think about it? Recent research finds, there is a very deep correlation between multiple sclerosis and eating pork.
It turns out pork can damage the nervous system. Of course this causes a person to become helpless. The danger again, eating pork is also caused dangerous autoimmune diseases.
Bacterial infection
Pork also accounts for several types of infectious diseases. Because generally this meat contains bacteria such as yersinia, staph aureus, E coli, listeria, and salmonella.
Heart cancer
In the long run, someone who often consume pork bacon is susceptible to liver cancer. Because in bacon there must be additional nitrosamine preservatives added to the pork. The substance can trigger deadly cancer.
To prevent the occurrence of all dangerous diseases caused by eating pork, of course must cook it until completely cooked. This method can kill many harmful microbes in the pork section.
But it would be better if you do not eat pork at all. Many risks are lurking you in the future.
Noooooo!! Not pork!! That's my favorite thing to get on everything, pizza, ribs, BBQ, and last but not least, the beloved BACON!! I guess I should cut back😱