You, the women, consider again to marry a potbellied man. The reason, a recent study found, a distinguished man has poor sperm quality that increases the chances for difficult to get offspring.
Yes, researchers assert that obesity also affects the quality of a man's sperm.
The findings were obtained after researchers analyzed 1285 men
As a result, potbellied men have semen volume and lower sperm count, as well as dilute sperm concentrations and poor sperm velocity. This condition becomes one of the factors of fertility disorder that makes women difficult to get pregnant.
"Our results show that weight loss before fertilization is necessary for obese and potbellied men to avoid fertility disorders," said Dr. Gottumukkala Ramaraju as the principal investigator dilasnir
Previous research has also shown that excess weight can significantly affect female fertility, as it disrupts the hormonal balance that affects fertilization.
So, if you decide to get married, make sure your partner has no problems on his weight, yes!
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