Well this was the most bad ass post I have read all day.
I am so sorry about your Grandfather and I am sorry that your dad is unwell too... but I agree with all of this. Cancer is too profitable to cure. It is a cash cow and unforunately people think that doctors are their only option.
I think living a healthier life and doing your own research goes a long way and in the end they can reverse the cancer much more effectively than radiation.
Well, dang. Thanks friend. I'm just a little pissed at the way things are going and feel a bit helpless at times. This one subject hits close to home for many people and I definitely agree that folks have a responsibility to look around and find and research every option before choosing to fill themselves with poison.
It's not just cancer though. Cancer just happens to be a $150 billion dollar industry in the US....and a particularly brutal thing to watch or experience.
Thanks again for your kind words, but just so you know: my dad's a dick and probably too mean to die. I reckon he will outlive all of us.