I'm really no stranger to fasting. I've done many types of fasts over the last decade or so. Just to name a few.
●Daniel fast plants only
●Water only self explanatory
●Media fast no screen time (yeah sounds weird, but try it sometime, especially if it sounds weird or outrageous to you)
●Juice/liquid fast no chewing
●Have not tried the communist fast and don't plan to.
I have recently tried intermittent fasting.
Just a couple of weeks ago I started skipping eating for one day per week this was just to give my guts a rest and really begin have mastery over my soulish self, (mind, will, and emotion). It was nothing really substantial at first, but once I had done it a few times it was actually very easy.
Then I began to reserach this whole intermittent fasting thing and realized there are apparently a lot of good things that can come out if it!
●Elevated HGH (human growth hormone) anti aging effects.
●Restoring low testosterone levels especially in middle aged and older men.
●Giving your organs a rest.
●Boosting Immune function.
●Many others.
~Now every one of these claims I have not personally verified.
I haven't stepped on a scale or had my BMI measured and I don't plan on it.
Feel free to do the research that you would like to and sort it all out.
# What I *have* noticed.
I'VE BEEN DOING THE 16/8 METHOD. (16 hours of fasting per day and an eight hour window of eating allowance. This really feels more like a change in eating habits than a fast.
●Loss of belly fat and more definition of muscle (seriously, in just about 10 days)?
●Spend far less time preparing food, thinking about food and doing dishes, so I have more time for other things.
●Less sluggish in general
●Work outs are more intense.
I recently found while cycling I was able to ride harder, longer and was less fatigued at the end of the ride.
Also discovered I was able to do 25% more pull ups seemingly miraculously.
●Greater mastery over my, mind, will, emotions, also over spirits of compulsion and addiction. I just really do seem to have more control over my own actions.
After all, who wants their belly to be their master?
●I didnt gorge to make up for lost calories.The stomach is quite elastic and will shrink very quickly you will find.* I couldn't go crazy with food even if I wanted to* without being very uncomfortable.
I encourage anyone interested in this to look deeper and see if it is for you. If it isn't I guess you can just pick up the spoon again right?
Hope you find yourself encouraged by this.
Photo credits:
Via duckduckgo websearch fasting images
Happy Fasting to us all!!!! Time to skip a meal :) Oh yeah, I tried communist fasting - trust me - works miracles LOL
Funny pic, and some good inspiration.
I had been thinking about a Media fast just the other day, doing 30 days to re-wire the brain, but I would need a vacation that long I work on a pc :x
How long do you recommend for a first time try for a water only fast ?
I did a 3 day water only fast.
Sounds like an eternity, but once I got 1/2 way past day two I felt really clean, and like I could go forever without eating.
The media fast can be difficult as we are constantly bombarded with screen images almost everywhere we go. So I feel you on that one. You could try just shutting off the Facebook or Twitter or other meaningless scrolling. That in itself is very refreshing.
Thanks for the suggestions ! A friend in his 50s did the water only for 3 weeks but with incremental practice and he started with 3 days also
That's a marathon to me. I did do the liquid/juice fast for 40 days that so its not impossible (obviously)
Even just one day of water only or whatever is a good start. For me personally I usually build up to the bigger things. Others may jump in with both feet and have great success. I suppose it just depends on the individual.
40 days nice ! Yes I'm more the put one toe in the water first guy too with stuff like that I will start with 3 days water, thanks for the infos.
Good post!