Protect your Health and your Family
Smoking is dangerous as it has effects on both the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. One of the most dreaded effects of smoking is lung cancer.
Cigarette Smoke contains more than four thousand poisonous substances, which cause various diseases and even death. These include cancer-producing substances, carbon monoxide and nicotine.
Does smoking affect non-smokers?
Yes. For every person who smokes, there are two who do not. But the non- smoker still breathes in “sidestream” smoke from the burning cigarette tip and “mainstream” smoke that has been inhaled then exhaled by the smoker. This is called passive, involuntary, or second-hand smoke, which also exposes the non- smoker to the same dangers and discomforts that a smoker faces.
Non-smokers living with smokers have a 35% increased risk of getting lung cancer compared to non-smokers living with fellow non-smokers. Smokers' children are more likely to get bronchitis, pneumonia, and other chest infections, especially in their first year of life. Chronic cough and phlegm are also more frequent among children of parents who smoke. In the workplace, chronic exposure to tobacco smoke reduces airway function to the same degree as smoking one to ten cigarettes a day.
Source: smoking_can_damage_every_part_of_the_body.png,