Watch The Truth About Vaccines 7-Part Series For Free Online! (This week only)

in #health8 years ago

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The Truth About Vaccines is a 7-part miniseries about the dark side of vaccines. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend you do. It's airing over the next 7 days, but you should sign up to watch it right away. They'll release 1 episode per day, for 7 days, starting tomorrow. Trust me, you don't want to miss any of them. Each episode is only available to watch for free for 24 hours. So watch an episode every day, if you can.

I never liked vaccines, even as a kid. I'd imagine most kids don't, but I remember how much I hated them and I hated the fact that I was being forced to accept them. I never got one as an adult. But even after I learned a lot about natural health, and refused to vaccinate, I still didn't know a lot about them. That is, until I started debating the vaccine issue with my two aunts who are nurses. The whole family was watching us go back and forth, and I wanted my family to know the truth about vaccines. So I quit just about everything I was doing in my life at the time and started researching vaccines every minute I could. What I found was shocking!

As it turns out, the truth is much worse than I thought! They actually don't have the science to back up vaccination, as we've all been told. Pro-vaccination propaganda falls apart real quick under scrutiny. I found that even the doctors and nurses don't know much about vaccination. Everyone is just trusting the pharmaceutical companies' studies and word for it. And the same pharmaceutical companies have already plead guilty to fraud, in many cases. So these fraudulent companies are injecting us and our babies with inadequately tested vaccines containing substances that are known to be very toxic.

This is one of the most important issues we're facing today. Our rights are slowly being taken away from us as the government forces vaccines on virtually everyone, including babies on the first day they're born! California has already made it so that parents their kids from vaccination if they're in school, without a medical exemption, which is hard to get.

The good news is you won't have to spend nearly as much time as I did to learn the truth about vaccines. You can get all the important points in such a small amount of time by watch this docu-series. Plus it's more entertaining that way.

Click here to watch the trailer for the series and/or sign up to watch the entire 7 part series online for FREE.