What is brain fog?
Signs that warn about brain fog in elderly
Memory loss:
The one who presents this problem, it is common that they forget certain information as it can be; the name of a family member, the conversation you just had with a friend, and this happens because it is difficult for them to withhold verbal information.
Lack of comprehension:
Brain fog causes the brain not to be able to assimilate what is being read or the explanation of another person, however simple and easy it may be.

Since there is a difficulty in thinking, it causes the person to become disoriented even in places he knows, which can take several minutes to know the path he must follow.
Little quickness of thought:
These people find it difficult to focus on a topic, work on it, or draw conclusions. So the thoughts develop very slowly.
Causes of brain fog
Deficit of nutrients: a poor diet leads to a lack of vitamins and minerals throughout the body, so it will affect the brain and it will not work properly, a diet low in magnesium, vitamins B group, omega 3 or calcium among many nutrients more, it will harm the brain.
Not resting properly: sleeping badly and few hours causes the brain to have less energy to think clearly.
Biochemical imbalance: this is a problem that arises when the neurotransmitters of the brain are not able to regulate the production of endorphins, and since these are responsible for the moods, it can also cause brain fog, anxiety and / or depression.
Stress: stress as a result produces more cortisol, a hormone that revolutionizes brain cells, which generates a state detrimental to the brain.
Menopause: in the case of women is not usually mentioned, but brain fog may be an indication that it is reaching menopause, due to the drop in estrogen production which helps in the capacity of concentration and memory .
Sedentary lifestyle: according to studies, the lack of physical activity can cause a decrease in brain activity.
Too many stimuli for the brain: we live in a society in which we are increasingly required, jobs in which many functions are performed, continue studying, maintain a good physical appearance, take care of children or elderly relatives, balance the economy of the house to cover the expenses and be able to save something, among many other problems. People who even sleep thinking about this, so they do not allow the brain to rest, so before this degree of saturation he decides to go off.
People who have this problem not only get to go wrong at the time they are left blank, without this alteration in the brain can also bring other negative consequences that can interfere with their well-being and their daily activities.

▸ Fear appears; This usually occurs among younger people, as they may think that these episodes are the beginning of a disease such as Alzheimer's.
▸ Isolation: not being able to follow a conversation or the fact of getting lost on the way to a certain place, can lead the person to stop making plans with family and friends and isolate themselves at home to avoid these problems, which causes an emotional detachment.
▸ Confusion and stress: when you do not really know what is happening to you and why, it generates confusion and even states of stress and anxiety that aggravate the problem.
What to do when suffering from brain fog?
What to do when suffering from brain fog?
Be calm: Although it is not easy, brain fog episodes should be taken with ease, since as we have seen, stress makes the problem worse.
Talk about it: You have to discuss with people around you what is happening to us. In addition to venting, this will allow us to face the situation with a more active attitude in search of solutions
Take notes: It can be helpful to have a notebook where you can write down each day the tasks you want to do, the places you have to go, or who you have stayed with.
Group what is important: Always carry a bag or fanny pack with house keys, mobile phone, notebook and anything you consider important to have them always at hand.
Perform mental and memory exercises: As puzzles, sudoku or crossword puzzles, as well as reading and talking with people around us to keep the mind functioning but without overloading information.
Follow the treatment indicated by the doctor: Especially those suffering from a disease that is causing episodes of mental fog, as occurs in the case of those affected by fibromyalgia.
@arisita - Nursing student

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