Very true @dnagrimes. If governments really want to eradicate or at least limit smoking it should be banned or treated as illegal. However as you said they only impose taxes and give warnings, for what...
Thank you for adding this information. 😊
Very true @dnagrimes. If governments really want to eradicate or at least limit smoking it should be banned or treated as illegal. However as you said they only impose taxes and give warnings, for what...
Thank you for adding this information. 😊
If enough of us put pressure on our legislators we can get the sale of cigarettes made illegal. It will take a large majority of people because of all the tax money (and bribes) they will lose. Tobacco growing (and marijuana) can still remain legal so they can't complain of "loss of freedom". Cigarettes are the only product that when "used as directed" kills its consumer. If teens have to grow their own tobacco and roll their own cigarettes the addiction/deaths will disappear. Prohibition proved that people want legal (and safe) alcohol. So let them make, tax, and sell it. The addiction of nicotine is stronger than heroin. Getting teens addicted to nicotine is the only thing that lets tobacco companies continue to make billions of dollars dollars while killing millions of people prematurely with lung cancer, heart attacks, strokes and other cancer.