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RE: What's your opinion about health?

in #health3 years ago

I think we should be able to understand that appreciating agricultural workers would be a smart thing, and putting an entire supply on politically agreed exchange and international trading is a dumb thing that only benefits a supplier aka politicians and their friends.
Our society on a civilizational scale looks like it is programmed into its own doom to look down on people who work the most to produce for everyone.
I think this is a product of pure greed.

I don't consume processed because I and my kid are lectin intolerant and food is full of soy which we do not tolerate ( even frozen things), chems ( none of us eat in nature, like carrageenan that causes all sorts of digestive issues including liver inflammation), and stuff we really don't need to put us in an early grave.

Our food production in total is adjusted to only benefit the reseller.

If we are about to descend into chaos better prepare some rashes, like dry stuff, I opt for glass and food preserved in oil... stuff like that. You never know when this madness will escalate.

I doubt people in the countryside will feel it, but a few dry months and yield will be insufficient. Growing cultures like millet and hemp, and domestic cultures instead of demanding hybrids is an answer.

That's my opinion.


You're right, we should evolve beyond this system that's based on greed. How do we do that?