About Bawang Hitam (Black Garlic)
Bawang hitam or black garlic is a garlic that is processed naturally at a certain temperature in a long time, so as to create a chemical formulation that produces black garlic type with the ingredients used as pharmacological to maintain body health and body vitality.
image bawang hitam
Historically, black garlic have been known and used by Central Asian nation such as Japan, China and Korea since thousands of years ago. They consume this onion as a supplement to maintain body health.
In other words black garlic or black onion is garlic fermented in a long time so that the fruit flesh becomes black, with a soft texture, chewy and tasty and the taste is rather sweet.
The privileges contained in the black garlic itself lies in its contents are so diverse and good for health. Even the onion itself on the mention of having 3x greater benefits compared to garlic in general for health.
image black garlic
Benefits of black onion 20 times compared with other herbs and 10x compared with regular garlic. Black onion is made by fermentation naturally and without any preservative or chemicals at all.
Here is the advantage of black onion compared to other herbal remedies. Physically the black onion has a brown outer skin and the contents inside are black.
10 Benefits of Black Harlic
As an antioxidant that serves as antiviral and anti-bacterial.
The content of black garlic is very popular is useful as an antioxidant that would certainly prevent various sources of disease caused by toxins. Benefits of black garlic in the body is to prevent the growth of sources of diseases such as fungi, viruses, bacteria and worms in the body.Lose weight.
Obesity can be overcome with black garlic, because anti-inflammatory substances in black garlic are able to regulate fat in the body so it will make your body has the ideal body weight.
black garlicHeal toothache.
The analgesic content in black garlic is able to remove bacteria that cause teeth to become unhealthy. Even with the content of substances contained in black garlic can eliminate toothache because as an anti-bacterial and antiviral that will eradicate all causes of toothache.Lower cholesterol levels.
A study proves that one of the benefits of black garluc is able to lower cholesterol levels in the body up to 15%. So if you want to have a healthy body then regularly consume black onion. Content in black onion is able to increase the production of insulin hormone that will be useful to decrease
black garlicTo lower blood sugar levels.
A study has shown that black garlic can lower blood sugar levels in the body. So by consuming black onions regularly then your body will always be in a healthy state.As an anti-cancer.
The content of chemicals in black onion, believed to be anti-cancer and even eliminate cancer, because it is able to eliminate cancer-causing cells. With the content of allyl sulphide is found in black onions are able to eliminate the cause of cancer.Contains Allicin and Anti Bacteria
In black onions contain allicin which is a drug-making substance. Allicin is an active biological component that serves as an anti-bacterial in black onion. The content of allicin substances that cause a distinctive smell on black onion to be more delicious.
From some research conducted to prove if allicin has an important role to cure several diseases such as Lose excessive weight, Dilute blood clots, Prevent hypertension or high blood pressure, Contains anti-cancer substances, Contains high antioxidants, Anti microbial or anti bacterial
black garlicOvercoming Alzheimer's and Dementia
Some diseases of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's and dementia can also be prevented by consuming black onion. Damage of nerves or oxidative that occurs due to free radicals will be overcome with high antioxidant source content in black onion so that the body will be protected from oxidative stress causes the neurological disorders. For a more practical way, you can consume black onion supplements regularly.Lose weight
Benefits of bay leaves to lose weight are also found in this black onion. Anti-inflammatory substances that are also contained in black onions are useful for regulating fat in the body. Excess body weight or obesity can occur because the accumulation of fat in the body continues to occur and will turn pre adipocytes into fat cells or adipocytes through a process called inflammatory system. In black onions containing vinyldithiin substances this plays an important role to inhibit the process of early inflammation that will be effective to prevent excessive weight.Prevent Infection
In black onion also contains anti-microbial, antibiotic and also anti-fungus because the active ingredient allicin in it. S allylcysteine will improve the absorption process of allicin so that the body's metabolism will be easier and can provide more protection against bacteria and infections that attack the body.
[article source](https://www.google.co.id/search?q=manfaat+bawang+hitam&client=ms-android-oppo&prmd=niv&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjTwtWaj7raAhULtY8KHRuaA2kQ_AUIDigA&biw=360&bih=566&dpr=2) **Google translate**
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