[The following is not medical advice - for informational purposes only]
The Most Powerful Medicine on the Planet
I'm Logan. If you haven't yet done so, please check out my Steemit Intro for some background on myself and my purpose. Please also read my article An Overview of our Food, a treatise on the critical importance of understanding our design, along with how to implement a simple lifestyle change to be in harmony with that design, to gain physical, mental and spiritual health and clarity probably never yet experienced.
Note: I chose this article on medicine, along with 'An Overview of Food' (and probably another one to follow) to be my first posts in The Voyage Home series, for a reason — most humans (including myself until I was pushing 50) are roaming this planet in a fog created by a combination of backed up (and malfunctioning) internal systems, and the non-realization that almost everything they've been taught from childhood is a lie. The result: billions of humans feeling like they don't know what's really going on (because they don't), and often wondering why they're even here. I certainly did. For countless millions, the only way to begin to find their way on this planet, to indeed find their purpose and true joy, is going to require that they first gain some degree of clarity. Clarity which (for many) is unattainable without internal cleansing of the toxic backup their poor bodies contain. Without properly functioning internal systems, the heart and brain (and therefore the mind) simply cannot function at levels sufficient for processing our experiences here as we were designed to be able to do. Thus my choice of these first articles.
The world is awakening. For this, I thank all that is good. Humanity is beginning to come to realize the extent of the propaganda that's been used to build our cultures for us (along with the poisoning that's been done to render us more vulnerable to it), and is beginning to take steps toward the undoing of these artificial constructs. What most see as food is horribly twisted, as well as what we've been made to believe is medicine. 'Medicines' distributed by the system are little more than toxic chemicals aimed at quickly treating symptoms only (often causing additional symptoms), while leaving underlying causes of discomfort and disease fully in place.
These root causes are universally left untouched.
This is by design. It keeps us coming back for more. More tests, more procedures, more specialists, more pharmaceuticals. Which means more money for them, while our collective health goes belly up. "Health Care" is the richest INDUSTRY on the planet, and not by accident. By never addressing underlying causes of ailments, the biggest corporate conglomerate of all ensures its continued growth.
All this, while the real medicines, the ones that facilitate the body's work in healing itself, lie mostly hidden in holistic practitioners' offices, private gardens, and maybe some trustworthy websites. Understand that there is but one thing in existence that can truly heal the human body, and that is simply the human body itself. By discontinuing consumption of foods inappropriate to our design, we stop blocking the body's ability to heal itself. And by adding appropriate real medicines, the already-toxic body is further aided in its work to undo the damage. There are many herbs that the body will use to more efficiently heal itself, along with some other natural aides such as sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), real apple cider vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide (food grade), to name a few.
But there is one which is more powerful at aiding the body than all others, that lies hidden right under our noses due to centuries and centuries of lies. There are some cultures, mainly in the Far East, which have (to varying degrees) not given in to the propaganda and held on to many of the natural remedies, including this most powerful one, to their great benefit. But for most in the world, bullshit still reigns supreme.
Aside from proper nutrition to match our design, the strongest aid to the healing of the human body is free.
It is also with you this very moment.
It has actually been pre-formulated to be an absolutely perfect match for each of the individual problems within your completely unique system. But you've been led to believe (as have we all) that it is a waste product. It is in fact a product taken directly from your own blood plasma, and is the exact opposite of a waste product, as it is in fact perfectly sterile.
If you haven't already figured it out, what I'm describing is your urine.
Unlike fecal matter, it is in no way a waste product. We've been cultured into believing otherwise, which is one of the myriad lies of the control system. We've been cultured into seeing it as a grotesque fluid that must be flushed expeditiously, or at the very least avoided for all its "poisonous properties".
This is bullshit.
When it looks and smells offensive, it's because of the twisted excuse for 'food' that most of us ingest, not because of its nature.
Well what is its nature?
Human urine is 95% water, 2.5% urea, and a 2.5% mixture of beneficial minerals, hormones and enzymes, and (again) is sterile. Urea is the only solid in urine, and when reintroduced into the body has a purifying effect, clearing up excess mucous, along with a host of other beneficial effects. It is one of the few natural products used (quietly but widely) by the pharmaceutical INDUSTRY. The 2.5% mixture of minerals, hormones end enzymes is possibly what I find most interesting. The body's incredible innate intelligence constantly analyzes for what is most needed in the interest of healing, and (within the blood) mixes up a combination of beneficial fluids uniquely suited to the needs of that one specific body. And those fluids are amazingly numerous. It is claimed that there are over 2000 of them, of which only 800 or so have ever yet even been identified! While sleeping, energy that would otherwise be unavailable is utilized for detoxing to a much higher degree. Also while sleeping, additional powerful hormones are added to the mixture, making the first urine excretion of the day (which comes directly from the blood) the most beneficial.
So that's it. There's your "waste product". Gross, huh?
Side note 1: Multiple studies have been done on urea and recorded in medical journals (including the New England Journal of Medicine), with utterly astounding results (across the board) in healing. This is why urea is used widely by the pharmaceutical INDUSTRY so that their products that contain it do something of value prior to the kicking in of the side effects caused by their toxic additives. This is also why you've probably never heard of any of this.
Side note 2: Procurement of urea by the INDUSTRY is often done by means of trapping it in filters at urinals, through pre-made agreements with proprietors of establishments deploying the urinals. Don't know about you, but I don't recall ever being asked whether I'm okay with my urine being harvested to boost BIG PHARMA's profit margins.
The Process
First the liver detoxes the blood, then passes the blood along to the kidneys. The kidneys, charged by the adrenals, are the "brains" of this operation. In order to conserve body energy and maintain proper (blood) balance, the kidneys take the blood and remove minerals, enzymes, hormones and water that are currently in excess of what's needed, and send the whole package of surplus to the bladder for excretion. This surplus is already perfectly mixed and (later) extremely useful to this specific body, should it be reintroduced.
And if the urine does get recycled, it will save additional precious energy (by not having to be reformulated) for use in further healing. Contrary to what most of us have been taught, the kidneys simply do not process waste. The liver, intestines, lungs and skin take care of that. Urine is simply a highly valuable fluid coming directly from already-filtered blood.
Urine Therapy can be done topically or ingested by drinking, which is nowhere near as frightening in practice as it probably sounds right now. It is often recommended that one first cleans up the diet a bit, getting onto much more fresh fruit and vegetables than what is typical in the West, along with plenty of clean water, which takes much of the edge from the smell and taste.
It is also typically recommended to begin with just a drop or two beneath the tongue, hold for a bit, and either spit or swallow, then rinse. You'll find it's nowhere close to as gross as you've been lead to believe. That said, there is certainly the natural 'yuck' factor associated with what we've been taught about it since we were kids, so it's entirely possible that some may find it quite difficult at first.
Healing Crises
Should you endeavor to explore urine therapy, you may find yourself experiencing a "healing crisis" from time to time, which is merely a sign that the therapy is doing its job in aiding the body in removing toxins. Movement of these toxins within the body can occasionally be uncomfortable. What is typically experienced are flu-like symptoms, which can be eased simply by reducing the amount and/or frequency of urine being used. More detail on healing crises may be found in my article An Overview of our Food, as well as in the books I'll be suggesting on the subject.
My Experience
What first prompted me to experiment with urine therapy (UT) was the fact I had a dental abscess which I had under control using a garlic therapy, but it wasn't going away. I say "experiment" because, like so much else on the holistic side of things, this is currently much more art than science. Also, despite what we've all been told, you can be rid of dental abscesses without root canal or extraction. So since it wasn't going away with the garlic, I decided to give UT, which I'd been reading about for some time, a try. And I can tell you in all sincerity that I was initially repulsed by the idea, but as I got more and more familiar with the truth of what urine actually is, I was able to begin with a couple drops (couple times a day) with no problem. First, because I was something of a baby about it, second, because I'm quite familiar with healing crises and didn't want to risk having an uncomfortable one. No problems encountered, so I upped it to about a teaspoon. Be advised, my urine is typically not very strong in smell or taste these days as I'm working toward becoming a full-time fruitarian. If you try your best to eat as close to vegan (or fruitarian) as possible, your experience will likely be similar. After a week I upped the dosage to a half-shotglass, twice a day, still no discomfort. But several days later when I went to a full shot-size dose, the second dose of the day left me feeling slightly nauseous and a little light-headed. So I backed off to half shots for another week, when I once again went to full shot doses, and had no further problems. Then no problems when progressing to a half cup, full cup, and now I drink almost all of it. Especially first time in the morning, which I never miss, because it's by far the richest.
Result: I've only been doing this about a month now. The previously 'controlled' abscess has now been gone without further trace for over two weeks, and (bonus!) the last of my still-hanging-on (brutal) esophageal reflux has stopped. Entirely. That was my one long-term ailment (and the worst) that hadn't completely receded by changing my diet (lifestyle) alone, but it is now gone. No idea what additional benefits I'll be garnering in the coming months, but I have no plans of stopping UT, ever. Once I get to the point where I feel I'm "disgustingly" healthy, I'll probably back it down to just the first morning dose, as others have done.
This is a lot to swallow (sorry), so please do your own research before making any decisions on behalf of your health, please never act on advice from any one person. The amazing things I've learned about UT, in combination with the results I've already experienced, and I am one very happy, very convinced 'customer' of this surprisingly effective, easily accessible, free, real medicine. The most powerful, most natural medicine (not) known!
There is so much more to know about this, so please look deeper. I highly recommend to any and all, the following two excellent books, which provide multitudes more information on this (admittedly) controversial subject:
- "Your Own Perfect Medicine", by Martha M Christy
- "The Water of Life - A Treatise on Urine Therapy", by John W Armstrong
Both of these books are highly acclaimed, I personally poured through both, and have benefited greatly from them. Martha Christy's book is a little friendlier to the uninitiated, so I'd recommend reading it first (if so inclined). Her book also includes nearly 40 detailed case studies exploring how incredibly powerful urine therapy is. John Armstrong's book describes in detail how he oversaw many patients who'd been given no chance to survive (in several cases were given only days to live), but with fasting and urine therapy (more intense than what most would require), each patient not only survived, but was given a clean bill of health, typically in 60 to 90 days.
I so hope you'll look further into this perfect medicine, crafted to the perfect mixture by your body, for your body.
This series is my contribution to the body of work that is now well in progress around the world. And maybe, just maybe help provide the spark for more to begin implementing the changes that lead us all back to that place of comfort and love, a new Earth, virtually devoid of pain and fear. Together.
It's not easy, but it is simple and wonderful.
It's The Voyage Home.
In Love and Service,
from the Bottom of my Heart
-Logan @aware007
i'm happy to see you sharing this on Hive. i am a 14 year proponent and user of UT
Sat Nam
Ps. @ecency wish i could reblog this using ecency android app
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