I have friends here in Ontariostan in the dental profession who off the record, admit it is toxic, but will never go on the record, you know, jobs, bills, being labelled and namecalled etc.
That to me proves things beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Your water in the west has been threatened for years with pipelines and I have followed that.
I spent a lot of time out your way in about 15 BC communities on the road one year.
TY for stopping by, best wishes.
yes unfortunately integrity and courage lack in these industries. life circumstances and ego always play a role and keeps us quiet and compliant, hence the flouride and chlorine in the water! pipelines out here have been approved years ago before anyone knew of it and the sheeple just see the propoganda for jobs and such. i've seen the destruction pipelines have caused to communities, our land and wild life, ocean life...it angers me so much i don't even know where to start. everything is dying! look at our coastline for one! (search nuclear proctologist videos if they haven't jailed him again for exposing what's happening) why don't people see this? oh right...it's not on mainstream media so therefore you are a conspiracy theorist! now that makes me laugh. if you come out to BC again let me know, maybe we can connect a bunch of us like-minded individuals. keep on steemin! all the best :)
Well, if you go down my blog for 10 or 20 days, you will likely see a lot of stuff you like and you will see proof of my activism, speeches, videos and protests I have run for various thing en masse.
Lots on my YT channel also (main one)