I have done posts on Alkaline water in the past, but feel it's time to do another post.
Doing exercise produces lactic acid, which lowers your body's pH (a VERY bad thing).
Our bodies are designed to be alkaline (above 7.0 pH), so they can repair things, and do their bodily functions much better in that state. You can′t get sick or catch colds either when you′re alkaline, because bacteria and such can′t live in it. This is why balancing the pH is so important it guarantees no bacteria, mould, etc., can live in it. So, what may be happening is you′re preventing your system from becoming to acidic, thus, nothing can interfere with the repair/rebuilding process. If you became acidic, bacteria, viruses, etc., would all be having a hay day and try to start replicating. This would lower your recovery ability, because the body would have to spend time multitasking the repairs and fighting off the bacteria, viruses, etc.
Also, being alkaline really cuts down on inflammation. Consuming alkaline water will reduce the accumulation of acidity in exercising muscles, improving workout intensity and recovery time. A diet that supports alkalinity is also recommended by sports nutritionists.
Alkaline water is able to block the oxidation of normal tissue by free oxygen radicals. This allows ionised alkaline water to be much more readily absorbed by the body, thereby increasing the water’s hydrating ability and its ability to carry its negative ions and alkalising effect to all the cells and tissues of the body.
Since proper hydration is also a key factor in preventing exercise fatigue, consuming alkaline water before, during and after exercise can help.
For those medical skeptics I will point out the AMA(American Medical Association) took over 70 years to recognise that supplementing ones diet with vitamins and minerals enhanced long term health and contributes to enhanced performance.
These same "medical professionals" also purported for decades that steroids were in effective for building muscle – yet over the last 5 years steroid prescriptions marketed as anti-aging pro hormone therapy is used by athletes and the general public and touted by the same medical professionals as miraculous.
Harvard medical surgeon Dr. Horst Filtzer has used Strong acid water produced by a water ioniser to successfully treat patients with chronic open wounds who were unresponsive to antibiotics with outstanding results in what most medical authorities considered hopeless cases.
In short, alkaline water is a superior choice over bottled water, spring or tap when it comes to enhancing athletic performance.
I use a water ioniser on a daily basis, I didn't buy the Kangen ioniser as they are hard to get hold of in the UK and come with a high price tag. I used a company called Life Ionisers, and I visited their shop in Brighton, England.
I generally set my alkaline water to a pH of 10 on the machine, and that tends to give me a true reading when tested, of 9.5pH. More importantly the ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) reads around negative 250 (-250), so the water I am drinking is negatively charged. If I were to turn it up to a pH of 11/12 then then ORP is -500 (see above photo). I believe it is only diabetics and cancer patients that use this setting. It takes a while to work up to, you may get headaches until your body gets used to it.
The tap water in my local area tends to be around +250 (positively charged). I have tested various 'pH alkaline' bottled waters and every single one of them, although may have that pH of 8 or 9, they are positively charged...i.e. no good.
I can use pH up to adjust the water in my hot tub, but that doesn't mean its drinkable. Using chemicals to up the pH doesn't automatically make it good for you.
Anyway rant over haha
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