Detox Diaries - 4 - Professional Help

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Detox Diaries 4 Professional Help.jpg

I need professional help.

I've booked an appointment for colonic irrigation. My intuition is telling me that I'm fighting a losing battle with my emotional eating so long as I have years of old waste accumulated in my body.

It's hard to start something new when saturated with the old.

As much as I'd like to imagine myself suddenly free from the craving for food and beverage full of sugar, wheat and dairy, I'm so far incapable of denying my cravings. It's such a strong, habitual pull; everyday after work, I immediately want comfort food. In fact, I start thinking about what I want to ingest before my shift is up.

My addiction to sugar in all its various, delicious forms is a problem because it's taking up too much of my life.

A few years back, I experienced the Master Cleanse, in where one drinks only a mixture of water, lemon, maple syrup and cayenne for a period of 10 days. After the initial discomforts and cravings subsided, I realized that the most remarkable part of fasting for me was not how enlivened and inspired I felt at day 7 onward, it was how much time I gained by not having to grocery shop, cook, consume, and clean.

It's seriously shocking how much of my life food can consume.

Food consumes my life, just as I consume food. Funny that.

That period of fasting helped me realize just how hooked on sugar I really was, but I quickly returned to my emotionally eating ways.

What I really want is to get out of my own way. I want to hear what my body has to say.

I've been ignoring what my body wants, and now the symptoms of this ignorance are making me feel sluggish and filled with phlegm.

I want to feel clear and clean again, like I did after the Master Cleanse.

But this time I'm doing it differently.

This time, I'm not following anyone else's recipe.

The whole point here is for me to gain mastery over my emotions, and learn to heed the wisdom of my body, over my mind, when it comes time to eat.

So, that colonic irrigation ... I'll let you know how that goes.


Thanks for joining me on this detox journey. I need all the support I can get, and I hope to find some good nuggets of truth as I chip away at my defences and distractions here in the Detox Diaries.

I appreciate the up-vote, you're very kind.

Detox Diaries - 1 - Seeking Equilibrium.
Detox Diaries - 2 - Seriously Addicted.
Detox Diaries - 3 - Habitual Cravings.
Detox Diaries - 5 - Dismantling Depression.


Read 'The Plant Paradox' by Dr. Steven Gundry.

I'm intrigued, and will go see what it's about. Thanks!