Detox Diaries - 5 - Dismantling Depression.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Detox Diaries 5 Dismantling Depression.jpg

Why is it so hard to do what I know to be good for me?

It can be easy to start a healthy new habit like tongue scraping, contrast hydrotherapy in the shower, or drinking the recommended 3-4 cups per day of a medicinal tea. But I find it hard to these things that I know to be good for me on a continuous basis.

I want to change my habits, and my lifestyle, but it's proving to be difficult.

Ideally, I'd like to see myself spending my days like this:

Awake with the sun.
Breathing deeply and consciously, allowing myself to wake up slowly.
Cleanse myself with water; drinking it, swimming in it.
Take tea time with my books and journal.
Move my body.
Take a coffee.
Work on my passion projects.
Make a colourful tasteful meal. Perhaps share, perhaps eat solo with nature.
Clean my home.
Work on Passion Projects.
Cook, clean or concoct.
Eat dinner by 6pm.
Bed by 9.

My life really could be this simple? So why is it so hard for me to do this all the time, no matter what?!

This is the life I live when I am feeling inspired and balanced. But then something inevitably throws me off my balance, emotionally, and I find myself feeding that old beast inside who just loves the comfort that succulent, sweet, gooey foods. That usually begins the spiral of stopping the other healthy habits that I acquired during the time when I was feeling aligned and empowered.

I guess this is a typical depression cycle I'm zeroing in on.

But is it depression that makes me 'forget' to do what I know what is healthy for me, or is it because I stopped doing what was healthy that I become depressed?

Oh wow.
This is something new to consider...

Thanks for coming by and keeping up with my musings. If you have any words of encouragement or wisdom, I'm open to hearing them. Onward and upward!

Detox Diaries - 1 - Seeking Equilibrium.
Detox Diaries - 2 - Seriously Addicted.
Detox Diaries - 3 - Habitual Cravings.
Detox Diaries - 4 - Professional Help.


Changing habits was very difficult for me and still is. I got better results when I started not to change everything at once but focused on one thing till this was normal and then go on to the next. Still failing sometimes and I used to get really mad about myself for this. But there was no use and it was just a waste of energy.
So embracing even the smallest steps I have taken and being gratful and proud for just trying as long as I honestly gave my best, was a way better approach for me.

Best of luck

Dont be to harsh on yourself somethings like changing eating habits are really tough.

You're a rockstar, my friend. Thanks for your kind and inspiring words.
The post I began this morning is about just that; taking stock of how far I've come and how much of what I embody now was difficult to incorporate years ago.

Kindness, above all, kindness will get me there.