Hello stemian i want to share some fact
maybe some of you already knew maybe don't
so here is the fact
Man with blue eyes is more resist to alcohol and not easy to drunk

without little finger you will lose 50% hand's power

If human eyes was a digital camera then it has 576 megapixels resolution

Human heart pump 240 million litres blood whole life, this number is enough to fill 4 million cars with full tank of gasoline

Highest body temperature of human when get fever is 46.5 degrees celsius

Cut your hair will never make it more thick when grow back

Sleep less than 7 hour can make someone lose their hope of life

There are more than 600,000 particles of human skins off every hour

Nose can record 50,000 smells

Disgestive system of human has 9 metres long from mouth to anus

Human brain can save long term memories as much as 1 Quardillion (1,000,000 billion)