"Eating Red Meat Makes You as Fat as if You Were Guzzling Sugar" More Red Meat Lies!

in #health9 years ago

This was the headline for an article in "Organic Authority" that tries to equate red meat with sugar intake. Let me try to break it down so I can quash this myth once and for all.

First of all sugar is the devil! Nothing in modern times has done as much to destroy lives as sugar has. Even more complex carbs are supposed to be eaten with fiber, fat, and of course protein to diminish the harmful effects associated with higher glycemic index foods. So if eating carbs is made healthier by also eating protein then why would meat, the best source of protein, be bad for you?

This article, as many I have seen before, is trying to specify red meat. According to the FDA red meats are things like steak, hamburger, hot dogs, bacon, etc. This is all well and good but these foods are all "red" for different reasons.

Hot dogs and bacon are red because of nitrates added to preserve the meat and to turn it red so it looks "fresh". Nitrates are known to be toxic carcinogens. Unless you get these products "uncured" you are taking a health risk. Uncured products don't look as pretty but are much better for you. Beef is red because of myoglobin. If myoglobin is bad for you we're all screwed because we are all full of it.

If they want to point the finger at meat in general then just say so! Don't try and pretend that the arbitrary color of the meat has health consequences. This distills the argument down to it's essence, is protein as bad for you as sugar? I'm sorry but if you believe this- you are a moron.