The scabies is according to health insurance companies on the rise. The number of prescriptions for corresponding medicines in Bavaria has increased by 40 percent within one year. Scabies is a skin disease that is caused by mites and causes nagging itching.
What is scabies?
The scabies - also called "scabies" - is caused by tiny mites. The itch mites mate on the skin surface. Then the females work their way into the top layer of skin to lay their eggs. In the corridors, she not only leaves her eggs, but also her feces, which leads to the typical symptoms. When the mites hatch, they move to the skin surface and the circle purchase starts from the front.
Itch mites like it warm
The parasites love thin skin. This is why frequently affected areas are interdigital spaces, wrists, elbows, the chest and the genital area. In principle, however, any other site can be affected as well.
The infection is difficult to diagnose and has an incubation period of five to six weeks. Scabies are often only noticed when an itchy rash occurs. Especially at night under a warm blanket, the itching is almost unbearable. The urge to scratch is then not to suppress - hence the name "scabies". Skin irritation and inflammation are aggravated by this.
Contagion through body contact
Contagion is possible by skin contact with infected people before the onset of the disease, which makes "scabies" so insidious. The mite mite can also be transferred via clothing or bed linen - even if it can not survive long without its host. So there are the possibilities, for example, when traveling in cheap, unkempt accommodation with scabies infected.
Scabies mainly occur in places where many people are in a small space, such as in clinics, kindergartens or retirement homes.
This is how scabies are diagnosed
The description of the symptoms usually leads the doctor in the right direction. If you take a closer look - for example, with a magnifying glass, the doctor with a special instrument, the dermatoscope - also the tortuous ducts of the itch mites under the skin may be noticed - depending on how far the infestation has progressed. In addition, even tiny nodules, the mite faeces, can be detected. However, direct evidence does not always succeed. Because usually there are only a few mites that plague you. Then the doctor will cause a treatment based on the symptoms described.
Scabies treatment with an anti-mite ointment
The disease is annoying, but not health-threatening and can be treated quickly and reliably. For this purpose, the body is rubbed in every area with an anti-mite ointment, which should be applied for up to 12 hours. Thus, the itch mites are usually killed. If this is not the case, the treatment is repeated. However, side effects are not excluded. In children, pregnant women and immunocompromised people, an individual balance is necessary.
Prerequisite for a lasting healing success is that a co-treatment of contact persons takes place.
Washing, cleaning, sucking
In addition to the medical treatment, hygiene measures in the home are important - and at the same time for therapy. These include washing clothes, towels and bedding at least 60 degrees Celsius to kill the mites. Anything that can not get into the washing machine should be put in a sealed plastic bag for four days. Rinse out carpets and upholstered furniture thoroughly and do not use (if possible) for four days.