
Honestly I was torn on that last one, squeezing them wasn't right and scraping them wasn't right, I knew one of them was going to kill us, but I just took the 50/50 shot. Obviously the ideal way to remove them is with tweezers pinching the head not the torso, but scraping them leaves pieces in your skin and draws more blood. It was a hard choice.

From the I Ching, book of changes: The fox jumps across the creek, getting his tail wet. There is no blame :)
papa-pepper said we were slackin but he's the mad scientist that created LIMEZ II and knows the only antidote is super hot chilies in cheese. Now we know. lol
And he's a kind man, not ruthless and we'll be back soon.
Maybe back to the lab at Clayboyn's Wizardry Lotions 'n Potions Apothecary and Farmacy
for some FitWit and Thinkin' Cap Grease ;)