Free Healthcare - We have Free Healthcare in Germany | I'll tell you why you not want it !

in #health9 years ago

Why free healthcare isn't what it's supposed to be

In germany you have to be insured by law. In case you have a job, you will pay it from a part of your income.
If you have no job, then you should go to your jobcenter and they will pay it for you.

So far - so good BUT

There are a lot of people who don't want to take money from the state, so they won't be insured either, except they
care for themself and also pay for themself.
If you are not insured but want to be in future, you will get a nice bill for all the
months you was not insured.

This sounds stupid ?
Hell yeah, it is !

You have to pay the same amount, like you would have for the healthcare but you would'nd have got medicinical help,
in case you would have needed it.
The only way would have been, to pay the doctor yourself - CASH !
And it does'nt take a lot to reach a couple hundret or thousand euros.

Private or state insured ?

Now it's becoming really weird. You would think, that it does'nt fucking matter how you are insured - as long as youi are.
Unfortunally, the opposite is the case. The healtcare agencies get a lot more, if you're private insured.
And they let you feel the consequences.
You call the doctor and ask for a checkup meeting. The first question will be: private insured ?
You answer with "no" and they will offer you "monday 9 o'clock am - IN 4 MONTHS !
This is what happens every day uncounted times. You are private insured ? No problem, today or tomorrow is fine.
Insured by state ? Your problem !

The same counts for the quality you can expect. Insured by state and they do the cheapest way they can.
Private insurance will get you a completly different level of healthcare.

So overall, for the doctor and also the insurance companies, you are nothing more than what you have in your pocket.
They do not consider you to be human, they don't give a fuck about your health. You are nothing more than a number,
and how they act with it, is decided by the amounts you are willing to pay for.

Such a system would be acceptable for clothes washing or other nonsense.
But not for the biggest good everyone of us has - our health !


This is how you don't want to find yourself. Insurance isn't insurance if it takes effect only too late. That is called a burial policy!