I suffer from mood swings since ever. Can't say, don't want and don't expect either to be a bipolar person, from what I know, it is much lighter in my case. But my moods can change so quickly I can't even follow, which makes me very tired.
I can go from ecstatically happy to extremely tired and introspective in hours or days. Knowing this is just a phase, helps a lot.
When I'm feeling great I can make thousands of appointments and in a few days I might be feeling completely shit and will be praying to a meteor falls over the road so my bus can't reach may stop. Or, feel so shit I can't compromise with anything and when I see all my friends hanging out and I'm home full of energy praying to someone call me to go out.
I can identify those days easily. Whenever I'm feeling great I try to enjoy it fully and do as much as I can. But when I'm not OK, I use some tricks to keep going.
- meditation/positive thinking
- listen to songs that remind me great times
- watch funny things/cinema
- draw
- go to my appointments either I want it or not.
In the past my mood swings were more severe, mainly caused by anxiety and panic episodes. I remember happily going to visit a house I was going to share with someone else and when I stepped in front of that house, I was feeling so scared and down I got back home.
Nowadays I can also identify my mood swing triggers and be alert in case of a bad day. Those things are:
- many days in a row eating bad stuff
- negative news/negative talk
- fear of judgement
- being asked about my life
- sudden change of plans.
In despite of all those behaviours I'm conscious and feel in control of everything, being able to do regular tasks. Some people can't have a normal routine because of mood swings, if you are one of those people I'd recommend you visit your doctor, it helped me lots in the past.
Today it's one of those days. Things in life are changing so much I'm not following anymore. But I know it'll be over soon, because different from before, I know now that I need to act towards the problem, so it'll be over soon :)
If you think your mood swings are interfering in your sleep quality, daily routine, if it lasts too long, happen for no reason and make your hurt yourself, you definitely should look for a doctor!
Be aware of your behaviours, be aware what your body and mind are telling you, don't hesitate looking for help.
All the best,
@bdkbkd I always feel better after I eat a PIZZA...................
me too! :P
What an open and sincere post, I’m sure you will be fine and the most important thing in my opinio, is to be aware of the situation and know that you’re in control. Changes can be overwhelmed but at the end of the day, everything happens for a reason. Abraços Bianca :)
I do agree things happen for a reason, that's also what brings me hope. Thank you!
Hii @bkdbkd, nice term you used as "Mood Swings" and your Mood Swings to PIZZA. here for you."
lol never had a mood swing for pizza but that can certainly make things a bit easier. Thanks
You raise some very important points and provide some helpful information in your post - and you are the expert on the subject ... as you are suffering from mood swings and know first hand what it is like. Keep sharing - your honesty and expression is refreshing.
Thank you!
It's nice to see that the world is starting to take notice of mental health issues. There's such a stigma around it because we aren't educated about it in school. One of the most important things in my life is a reliable system of friends who will listen without judgement when I feel empty inside. I hope you find yourself surrounded by love in your darkest moments, B. Acceptance and understanding that problems can improve but will never go away is an important step in finding your peace. I hope you find yours often.
I'm luckily surrounded by great people. I agree they should talk about mental health in school. Cheers
Thanks for sharing something so personal, Bianca. You have great advice. And people need to talk more openly about these kinds of things. For too long they have been hidden under a basket...
True! I wish everyone was aware of mental health, and could look for help when it's needed. Thank you so much!