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RE: How Intermittent Fasting and Diet Change Cured My Depression

in #health8 years ago

When you first mentioned this in your newsletter, (thanks for sending it to be for free every moth by the way, its much appeicated. I enjoy reading your views, even if you did make me and my brother lose $500 betting on the french election) I read that guys book and tried it straight away. Its pretty on point, but I have bullet proof coffee in the morning and a smoothie with ginger and garlic at lunch and then my main meal at night as close to 3h before bed as my wife can manage it. Works a treat. Best of ketone diet and vegan in one.


The only thing I haven't enjoyed, is when I go to a party, the rush from all the carbs in the beer make be be able to drink almost a carton every time and I crash like fuck for at least 2 days. Its terrible.